• "Bye, bye,"I said to the people who left my castle. They were leaving at a party at my castle. "Princess Melody, it's time to go to sleep," one of my servants said. "Finally," I said and went upstairs to my bedroom. I fell on my bed and went fast asleep. Then, I was woke at the middle of the night. My servant, Karen woke me up. "Princess Melody, the king and queen had been kidnapped!" I woke up from my bed and looked at the clock. It was two. "Where did they go?" I asked Karen. "Well, my guess is to the city since it's the only path on the castle," Karen said. "I have to go look for them," I said. I took a shower, got dressed in a disguise, and ate breakfast. I was just about to go outside when Karen grabbed my shoulder. "What if you get lost or kidnapped or in trouble?" Karen asked. "Then tell everyone that I'll be just gone for a while. So Karen can you keep a secret?" I asked. Karen nodded. "Thanks Karen. You're the best!" I said. Good luck," Karen added. I went to the path of the city. People were everywhere, even at two in the night! Most of them were around the water fountain. Since the police officers work each hour a night, I asked them some questions. "Excuse me, but had you seen any cars drive down this path around one?" I asked one policeman. "Yeah. A stretched out limo," he said. "Well where did it go?" I asked. "Just down the path." I thanked him and continued my journey. Three hours had passed and I still hadn't found a clue where my parents are, when just then, I saw a large black castle in front of me. The sun had shined so the color looked grayish. "King Derick," I slowly said. I quietly opened the door. The first thing I saw was a long staircase. DUNGEON was printed on the wall beside it. I walked upstairs and saw my parents locked up in a dungeon! "Mom! Dad!" I yelled. "Melody!" They all screamed. Just then King Derick's voice came in the room. "Hide!" Queen Rosaline told me. I hid behind a wall nearby the dungeon. "There is no talking!" King Derick yelled at my parents. "I own you now!" I stepped up. "Since when did you own them? After you kidnapped them?" I bravely asked him. "So, you sent one of your little children, well how would you like to be mines too?" King Derick asked with a sly voice. There was no fight, King Derick's guards threw me in the dungeon. "You'll never get away with this," I said. "Oh but I just did," Derick said and locked the key. He walked out, dropping the key from his pocket. I stretched my arm out as long as I can and got the key! I unlocked the bar door and went downstairs with my parents following. Just then, all the windows were closed and then the door. I quickly ran down and pushed the door open, but it wouldn't budge. King Derick showed up. "You think you can just run out did you? Well too bad! Bella here has control of the whole castle and you royalty people are trapped!" "Not for long," Bella said from upstairs. She dropped a dark sheet on King Derick and revealed herself as Karen. "Karen!" I yelled. Karen rushed downstairs. "Where's Bella?" I asked. "Locked in the closet," Karen laughed. "And so are you." She turned to King Derick and pushed him into the closet with the sheet still on him. "The key?" Karen asked me. I gave Karen the key and she locked the closet. "Thank you Karen!" Queen Rosaline and King Ron said. "Your welcome. After all, I do own this castle," Karen said. "You do?" My family all asked at once. "Of course. I was royalty too," Karen said and switched a light switch and the windows opened and it revealed a picture of Karen wearing a crown on her head. "Well not really royalty," Karen said. We all laughed. Karen was the best! The end!