• Safe, A word I have never known before. My life, is nothing safe In it. This whole journey of life is un safe. My name is Cynder Cancino and I’m a average

    teenage girl. Or so people think. Well now I’m making myself sound un-human. I have a little problem, a common problem you can say. I have this friend, on the computer, and I haven’t told anybody but he’s like more then a friend to me. Oh yeah I don’t know him in real life. Yet I love him. So you see my problem yes? let’s move on.
    Ring,ring ring…
    Stupid phone waking me up so early on a Saterday morning. I look at the time, 7:54 a.m. That sucks, who’d be calling me at this time!? I pick it up, Boom the sounds of four friends started smashing against my ear drum. “Cynder? CYNDER!” said Sam, the usually quiet and dumb one. “What????” said I. “like O-M-G!” said my my best friend, Julie. “What do you guys want? It’s so early!” “Guess what Cynder!”
    My jaw dropped, San Diego where my internet “friend” lived. I coud finally meet him. I could finally meet the one I call mine. I was speechless, I was really going to meet my boyfriend from online! This was fantastic! This was my wish come true!
    Iv’e never seen him before, he says that he wants to wait till the day we meet so that I can see him. I haven’t heard him nethier. I was going to meet him for the first time! This was the chance I’ve been waiting for! “Cynder you there?” I shaked my head. “Huh, what? Oh my God that’s great! Uh-“ I hadn’t even thought of this before.
    Of all of Sam’s friends why would she take me? I sighed at this. “So uh who you taking? Nina, Amanda, Sal, or Kat” I heard her laugh on the other line. “Moron why would I call you if I wasn’t taking you to see your future hubby?” My eyes gleamed. “Your really taking me Sam?” I smiled so wide. “Of course I owe you after you know that incident with the cow and Michael Jackson” I thought about that and shivered.
    That would haunt us both for the rest of our lives, but she’s right she did owe me. Right after I hung up I began doing a little dance. I was going to San Diego! This was great! Tomorrow my mini journey to San Diego begins!
    The next day I woke up real early and got dressed. Brushed my hair and wore the best thing I had in my closet. When I was all ready to go I ran downstairs to the kitchen. I looked around my house was so empty after my parent’s death.
    The wretched scene was still in my mind. Me and my family were just riding along in a peaceful car ride Just like a normal peaceful car ride. Until it happened. Two big white lights shined down on my family’s car and that’s all I could remember.
    I was knocked out , and when I awoke there were paramedics all around me. “whats going on?” were my lat words of happiness. I sat up an saw it, the most horrible thing I could see as a child. My parents ere just full of red icky goo. I can’t say the b-word. I remember crying and crying just with so much pain of my parent;s lost..
    I pushed the thought out of my head and thought about what the future held. The future with him, the one in San Diego. I opened the front door and walked out. My mini journey has begun. After the plane ride, and after we arrived in San Diego. I was here. I remember the directions to his house so well it kinda scared me.
    I decided to meet up with Sam after I met my so called love. I followed the directions carefully and ended up in a dark creepy old house. Hm, weird for a kid my age to be living here huh?
    I went up to the front door and knocked on it. I waited five minutes till I knocked again. I heard footsteps this was it wasn’t it, the time for me to meet my lov- The door opened and a old man came out about in his 40’s. His grandpa? “Um excuse me does cudd- I mean Jake live here?” The old man looked up at me. “Speaking” My heart froze for a moment. “Is there any other Jake ‘s here?” He shook his head.
    This was disaster, my love was an old man. A man with no life! This was just, really bad! I took a couple steps back and began crying. I turned around and ran home. I ran and ran and didn’t stop till I saw Sam I ran next to her and cried in her shoulder. “SAM WHY ME SAM WHY ME???” I whined and cried some more. “C-Cynder what’s wrong?” She looked at me and I looked at her with the tears still dropping down my cheeks. “Sam I should really becareful what I wish for”