• The summer wind was cruel, as it swept around her small frame. Her hair blew out, all around her face, and she was doubled over in grief, in pain. They were alone on the hill top, surrounded by trees, a dense forest. He stood only feet from her, holding out a trembling arm. In his hand lay a revolver, cold and black, shaking with the vibrations that rolled out of him.
    It was eerie quiet, not even the birds sang; almost like they knew what she was, and what she could do.
    Her wide blue eye's starred at him, and she clutched her arms around her body, in a self hug. It was a gesture of comfort, they both knew.
    "Aaron..." she begged, letting her voice sparkle along the breeze. The wind carried her voice over to him, and he gasped.
    "Please Aaron, listen to me" she pleaded, lurching forward one step. Aaron choked, and leaped back, holding out the gun protectively, and she stopped, starring.
    "You love me Aaron, remember? You love me" she began, her knee's starting to shake. Aaron just starred, not daring to open his mouth in a reply, terrified for what might come out.
    "I know you don't want to hurt me, because you love me. No matter how much you deny, you love me." She stated, her knee's giving 'way from underneath her, and she collapsed to the ground. Tears welled up in her eyes, and spilled over, rolling down her hollow, torn cheeks. They rolled over the many scars that had collected over the years, and cleared a path through the mud that was caked on her face.
    "Please Aaron." she begged, uncurling her arms from her body. The hung loosely at her sides and terror ripped through Aaron like a pack of ravenous dogs. Oh, the pain she could condemn with those tiny hands of her's.
    "You’re a monster" Aaron spat at her, with a snarl in his voice. His black hair swirled around his face, making it hard to see her.
    "I am no monster!" she wailed, and flung her body at him. Aaron screamed, falling to the ground. She trapped him underneath her powerful body, and began tearing at the flesh of his chest with the razor sharp teeth. Her eye's glowed a soft red, and he knew she was no longer in control of her own body, or mind. The demon's that swarmed her head were now in control, and were hell-bent on destroying him. The screams he was shrieking eventually became a dull hum in his ears, and his body started becoming numb. His eyes found their way down to his chest, and he watched her rip open his flesh and muscle, tearing at his innards and ripping at his bone. He lay his head back down against the ground, and closed his eyes, waiting for death to take him away.
    Yes, he though to himself, I did love you. But look at what we've become.