Harvest Moon IoH, A fanfic
DISCLAIMER: I do not own ANY of the characters from the Harvest Moon series.
Note: Anything from this part is based on the game Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness itself.
Chelsea's PoV
-Chelsea, a girl with an unknown history. A girl with smooth long brown hair and eyes as blue as the ocean.
"Hey, are you alright?!", was the first thing I heard before I open my eyes. "Ah, you've come to! Are you okay?", said the old man standing in front of me. A sharp pain suddenly reached my head, making me hold on to it with my right hand. Not later had I noticed that I was lying on the beach, and coped with what happened before I reached this island.
'What an exciting day! And look how fast we're going. We'll be there in no time' is what I thought after looking around the deck of the ship. Feeling the cool sea breeze against my face. After a few trips inside the ship, I grew tired and decided to head on to my room. The room was nice, I thought. Thinking about what would await me once I reach the city made me doze off in no more than a few minutes.
I was later awoken by a what seems like a grumbling sound. "H-huh? What was that?", I told myself after immediately sitting up from my comfortable pose on the bed, from a deep sleep. 'What's all that noise and where's the light?', I wondered. I immediately jumped out of bed and took a look at the nearest window near me. "Yikes! Look at that storm!", is what escaped from my lips which has stayed open for a couple of seconds. I then noticed that the ship was being tossed around like a feather in a typhoon, a very terrible situation one could be in. "All hands.. er.. hang on tight!" yelled the captain exhaustively and added; "Get those life boats ready!". The moment I heard him say that through the ship's tube which leads to the captain's cockpit, I can't help but feel that something bad would happen which seems to be the case. Not long after I ran towards the ship's deck did a lightning struck the top of ship I'm borded on. I was blacked out.
"Are you okay?", repeated the old man carrying a stick. "Y-yes.. I think." followed by a sigh of relief. Who'd expect I'm this lucky to make out of that scene alive? "That's good. It looks like the ship went down in the storm." the old man frowned making me quite worried which he did not fail to notice. "Don't worry though. It looked like everyone made it to the life boats in no time." he said with a smile, then added "I'm sure they'll get rescued now that the storm has died down." What a keen observer, knowing that I was worried I thought, and gave him a vigorous nod. After I stood up from sitting on the beach coast, he spoke again saying; "Looks like we've landed on a nice little island though!" I looked around then blinked. "By the way, my name is Taro, what's yours?" he asked me straightforwardly and I was quite withdrawn. "My name is.. uhm.. Chelsea nice to me--" he butted in saying "Looks like it's just you, me and my family here Chelsea.". I don't know if he's just plain rude, or is it he's too old to hear something clearly.
After a moment of short pause, he said that he'll introduce his family to me. I was a bit nervous as we walked up the area above the beach. An unfamiliar face smiled, "Hello father. Oh! You found another person from the ship!" she said with gleaming eyes telling that she was pleased. Taro exchanged our names and later I learned that her name is Felicia, the daughter of Taro. After we got a bit acquainted, Taro asked where Natalie and Elliot were. Probably her two grandchildren, I thought. Not a second before those words were said that two figures appeared from the area above the beach. "We found some old abandoned buildings, but otherwise this island looks deserted." said Natalie, I assume. With enthusiasm, the other figure who I assumed as Elliot said that, "This island is in shambles. It's not impossible to live here but it'd be rough" then he smiled, "We didn't have time to see the rest of the island though." within an instant, the old man replied on top of his voice with an angry face on "What!? You were wandering around the island by yourselves!?" and consequently, Natalie replied with a disappointed look on her face, holding her right shoulder with her left arm, "Oh calm down Gramps. We just took a little look around the island. What's the big deal?". It made the old man look discontented but the anger he had earlier was put out, thankfully. After the small quarrel, Felicia formally introduced me to her two children. After that small discussion, I looked a bit around and managed to input all that what has happened around me. Well, I didn't notice it made me look a bit grim. For looking like that, I was comforted by Taro saying we still have our health. A not so long conversation followed that up.
We went up the area to see some old run-down buildings with Natalie and Elliot as our guide. Taro ran off farther than us. The three of us stopped as we saw something that turned on Felicia's interest. It looks a bit unstable but I think after a few renovations, It'd be fine. Not long after that, I was called by Taro to follow him to the farther north of the Island. The next thing I saw after following him is some sort of field filled with overgrown weeds. I always wanted to own a ranch of my own. Even though I thought at first that it's impossible, I didn't hesitate to accept his suggestion that I'd take this farm on. I just thought to myself, I'd like to give it a shot first. Taro then pointed out his finger towards the house which stood firm on the ground. The most stable-looking house that I saw in this island. I didn't have to fix it myself, I thought. I do have a bit of luck left, I said to myself. After that, I was asked by Taro about what should I name my farm. Well, since this is quite a rushed decision, I chose the name Green Valley, which happens to be where I came from. Nonetheless, he said it was a great name, to my surprise. After that, Taro said that he was a rancher back his old days saying that he could guide me if something bugged me or if there is something that I don't know about farming. Well, this is my first time doing this so I asked him a few questions about tilling the land and watering the crops. After the long discussion, I said that I got his points and waved at the old man goodbye. Seeing him off, I thought I should head on to the house. But then a sudden flash distracted my eyes. The little thing that appeared introduced to me that he is a harvest sprite. I saw some of his kind back home, so I was not surprised. After that, I ran to my new house and peeked inside. I was surprised that the house has a bed, a telephone, and a calendar. Cool, I just have to clean up a bit and then sleep.
The next day...
I woke up as early as 6 in the morning when I heard someone knocking at my door. "Who's that?" I asked sleepily. "Just open the door!" said the familiar voice. After recognizing the voice which came from Taro, I opened the door and the next thing that I saw was that I was in front of the other run-down house in the island, facing two new people. I greeted them and let them know my name then they told theirs. Chen and Charlie, a father and son of what seems like a merchant. After that exhaustive introductions, I head up on my field and began cutting down the weeds and tilling the soil. After doing that, I sprinkled the turnip seeds that Taro gave me yesterday and began to water them. After doing that, I went to the west side of the town which was really quite unpopulated to gather some herbs to have something to eat, just in case I get hungry. After doing that, I collected the fresh seaweed which is on the large boulder near the beach's coast saying my hello's and hi's to those people who I passed by.
This continued on for at least the whole season. I managed to gain around 50,000G. Not bad, right? I also met a bunch of people during that season, such as Gannon, an ape-like human which seems unfriendly at first but actually a person who you could talk easily to, he's in charge of building. Mirabelle, a slightly fat lady with short golden hair and his daughter, Julia who is beaming with beauty also with golden hair, they're in charge of bringing animals to the island and lastly, Vaughn, a sort of like cowboy which is very unsociable. The first person who told me that I'm annoying and is distracting his work. The kind of person I want to bug and annoy more, I giggled.
Well, the first thing I did in summer was to make Gannon build me a chicken coop and of course, plant and water new crops for the season. The day after that, he told me that he was done building it. "Thanks for the work Gannon!", I waved happily to him. Gannon chuckled, "No problem miss!" then off he goes. I ran to the chicken coop and heard Taro's voice behind me. Of course I was surprised to see him with a little chick with him! I was so happy! "This is a house warming gift for you, Chelsea! Take good care of 'im!", smiled Taro. I held the baby chick in my hand and hugged it as lightly as I could. It appeared very friendly, so I named him Hapi. He pecked my cheek which made it seemed that it liked its name. I put it down and ran towards Mirabelle's shop, leaving Taro behind unintentionally, to buy a bunch of chicken feed.
Time quickly passed by, and before I knew it, it was already the end of fall. I already managed to have Gannon construct the broken bridges and have a few new people in the island such as the famous pop idol Lanna, the fisherman, Denny, the devout priest, Nathan, his accomplice, Mary, the jungle boy, Shea, his uncle, Wada, and of course, I also met the Witch Princess along with the Harvest Goddess.
end of Chelsea's POV
Note: Anything beyond this point is completely just based from what I imagine!
Diner, 20:00, Tuesday
"Hey! Do you know that Tia?", says Lanna with a big smile on her face. "Who's that?", asked Denny with a puzzled look. Lanna pouted, "Gosh Denny, you do not know anything." she paused, and then added "She's my idol. You know before I became a pop star. She has such an amazing voice. Because of her, I pursued my dreams to become a pop star! How I wish I could thank her. If only.." she stopped with a smile, not continuing his sentence. "If only what?" asked Denny. "If only she didn't quit showbiz. I was hoping to meet her there." Lanna sighed again. Denny enthusiastically said, "You'll meet her soon enough Lanna!" and finished it off with a big smile. Lanna blushed and said, "Thank you for listening, Denny!".
Meanwhile at a certain chicken coop....
The door slammed open, "Whew, today was a tiring day as usual! Ne, guys?" said Chelsea wiping off her sweat. The chickens gathered around her. "Well, it's time for you guys to take a rest! Time for the usual routine!". Chelsea sat on the nearest pile of hay and began to sing a calming song which seems to be a lullaby. The melody surrounded the whole chicken coop and made a really soothing environment. The chickens fell asleep in no more than a few minutes. She stood up and stretched her arms, and smiled "Whew! Next stop is the animal barn.". This is her usual routine since she received her first animals. This made the animals like her more. She stepped out of the chicken coop and walked towards the animal barn while humming.
Ranch, 21:45
After doing her usual routine, Chelsea headed off to her house....
A strange shadow suddenly appeared before her making her step a few steps back. "Wh-Who are you?!" yelled Chelsea with a frightened voice. After a short moment, something barked, "Wof, wof!". Chelsea, being surprised, looked down and saw Nick, her dog, happily wagging his tail going around the strange guy. 'It seems that he is not a bad person..' she thought. Once again, she asked his name with a much more calm voice. "Who are you?". "Hi. I'm Ronz. I'll live in this island starting today.", said Ronz. "Oh. Hi. Nice to meet you Ronz. I'm Chelsea, by the way." she said, while smiling. The man who called himself Ronz, bowed his head a little and then, a strange sound followed, "Groooowlll". The man bowed his head more. Chelsea giggled a bit and invited Ronz over her house. "Care to eat something? I'm pretty hungry myself!" Chelsea held Ronz' hand and brought him inside her house.
Chelsea's House, 21:47
Chelsea hurriedly made his guest sit on the dining table. "What would you like to eat?" asked Chelsea while walking towards the kitchen. Ronz paused for a moment and said, "Anything.". Chelsea giggled, "Alright! I'll make curry then!". She hurriedly ran towards the fridge and put out a couple of vegetables that is needed to make curry. Nick is still with Ronz, this time though, the two are playing. Chelsea chuckled and thought 'He reminds me of Vaughn a lot'.
"Finally done!", she rushed towards the dining table with two plates, and a bowl containing rice. She rushed back to the kitchen and scooped curry into another bowl. 'Huh' Chelsea felt a bit dizzy and was about to drop the bowl and herself when Ronz grabbed her waist and the bowl. "Careful". Chelsea snapped out of her state and looked up to see Ronz. She never noticed his face since she invited him over. Looking at him carefully, he is tall, has pale skin like the snow, has eyes like silver, and a short hair that is black as the night. Chelsea immensely blushed and staggered for a bit while Ronz put down the bowl of curry on the table. Chelsea sighed and put her hands on her forehead, "S-Sorry about that..". Ronz replied with his eyes closed "No, It's my fault for troubling you.". They started to eat while Nick is running on circles between their feet occasionally barking. Chelsea decided to break the ice, "So.. What brings you here?". Ronz swallowed a spoonful and said, "I just wanted to meet the farmer here." Short pause, and added "Everyone seems to like you." and swallowed another spoonful. "You think so?", Chelsea smiled at him. "Yeah." Ronz said not looking at her. "So.. Where are you staying?" asked Chelsea. Ronz didn't reply. That moment Chelsea thought 'Maybe he doesn't have somewhere to stay?' considering that he passed by the diner and the cafe on the east town and was still hungry. "I'm done." said Ronz as he sighed heavily. "Why don't you stay here? I have an extra bed you know." Chelsea pointed at the extra bed that she bought last summer. "... It's ok." he replied, and was about to head towards the door when Chelsea suddenly lost consciousness. "...!" Ronz suddenly went back and picked Chelsea up from the floor. He touched her forehead and noticed her temperature. 'This is pretty bad', Ronz thought. He carried her to her bed and put her there. Nick was jumping up and down the floor next to Chelsea's bed while Ronz searched for a face towel, dipped it in cold water, and brought with him a glass of water. He quickly made Chelsea drink the water and wiped the wet towel on her face and finally placed it on her forehead.
to be continued..
You can find part one at :
Er... I really don't know w...
This is the rest of Chapter...
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