• "Bella! Stop reading that dang book, and get to bed! You have a big school prom to go to early tomorrow!" my mother yelled. I was reading Twilight. I love reading this book, and this is the first book I have to read, and I never read it before. "Yes, I know, I'm stopping!" I yelled back. I put the book light on the book, then turned the lamp off and turned the book light on. I was at the baseball scene. Alice stops, pauses, and has a memory of James, and his team. "Stooo. I dropped my book, and the book made a loud thump on the ground of my bedroom. My hands were like me holding a book like a zombie, and my vision of my room fates away.

    I open my eyes. I was lying on the forest floor. I get up, rub my head, and squint my eyes like a cute poor less anime girl. Uhh, what happened? I wondered. I start to tiredly close my eyes, and I fall down backward, hands wide open, side to side, straight out, for someone to hopefully catch me at home.. I hope to have my room back again. I close my eyes, and then open them. I'm still here... Why am I not at home? I look down, and see two hands on my arms. It's not my fathers... Not my mothers... Who's hands are these? I feel a light brush of my hair. His hands are... Rough? Edward? "Bella..." his voice says. No, it's not Edward, or his family... Not Victoria, or that brown man... James?! I slightly gasp quietly. I open my eyes, and I can't see the boy. My vision is blurry. I kept blinking until I could see. I blinked one more time, and there, I see a man in his late 20's, maybe 30's, with blonde hair. I sighed, close my eyes once more, and leaned my head into his arms. He smiles. "Bella, .... Wake up. It's ok." he whispers. I open my eyes, and then I realize, James! I yank my body up, and kept rubbing my eyes. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I just uh.. reading Twilight-" "Shh, I know." James said, and put his finger to my mouth. He smiles. "There's no need to explain." he continued. I couldn't explain my emotions. I was really tired to know what emotions I was showing to him. I realized I was showing him I liked him. No!! I closed my eyes tightly, put my hands to my head, and started to groan. One word was going through my head. I love James. I love James. I love James. I love James. I love James. Then, I accidently said, "I love James!" I went into a half circle, then landed on the hard rough floor. "Bella... Bella... I.." was all I heard from James. I started to have feelings for James. James... James... James...
    I opened my eyes again. This time, I wasn't at home NOR in the forest. I felt a light kiss earlier... James... I closed them before I could see. I opened my eyes again. Another boy was there, but this time, it wasn't James. It was Edward. "Edward?" I groaned. "Shh, young one, you got hit badly on the floor." Edward said softly. "But... How.. James...-" "James got me. He's gone now." Edward said, cutting me off. I shook my head, and lifted my body up. I felt like my cloths were taken off. And I was right. I finally realized after 50 seconds I was showing Edward my breasts. I hid my breasts. I blushed. "It's ok, young one... I had to take your cloths off because you were sweating like you ran to the forest to die." Edward said. My cheeks got even redder than usual. I wanted to pull Edward to my face, and start making out with him.t I did want to, but I can't now, because Carlisle was now about to enter. "Oh, so she finally awakened. I was going to check up on her. Would you like coffee, young girl?" Carlisle asked. I nodded my head. Carlisle left. Finally, some alone time to make out with Edward, I said to myself. "What's your name?" Edward asked. "Candle. Candle Rainfall." I said, snapping out of it. "Oh." Edward said, softly and smoothly. He hoped onto the bed, and crawled up to me. He kissed my forehead, softly and smoothly. I smiled, and sighed. Edward began reading my mind, I knew because I felt it. What I was thinking was about making out with Edward. "We just met, Candle. But why?" He asked while he went through my mind. "Becuase I love you. I love reading about you in the Twilight book. I think your cute." I blurted. I realized he missed the part that I had 50% feelings for James and him. I started to cry quietly. "I really love you, and I think your cuter than anyone I've ever met.. And I think that maybe it'll be awesome if you or James could come to my school's big prom dance tomorrow at 6." I continued, blurting those out too. He stop reading my mind. He layed next to me, and I slid over to give him some room. "Proms.." he repeated. I blushed. Yes. I said in my mind."Yes." I said, normally. Edward turned is whole body to me, and and somehow, I got my cute jeans and tupe top on. Edward smiled at me. I closed my eyes tightly, and hugged him. Carlisle came in, and I let go. Edward was on the bed, sitting, and somehow, so was I. Carlisle gave me the coffee. "Here you are, Bella." Carlisle said, smiling at me. "How... Do you know my name?" I asked. "I listened from the wall." he responed. I blushed a bit. "Drink now, Candle. You got a big day tomorrow, and you need the rest." Edward said, turning to me. Carlisle already left. "But...Edward..No... I wanna stay here with you forever." I said, sobbing. "I know. I will promise you I'll be there. Trust me, Bella." he said. "You know, Lavender? I will promise you I'll be there always for you." Edward said softly, softly pushing me down to lie down. Lavender... My real name! I hugged him and kissed his forehead when he was directly above me. He leaned down, kissed me, then I fell asleep.
    I woke up. I looked around. My bedroom! It's back! Wait-no Edward! Edward... *sob* I miss Edward.. I said to myself. Was it a dream? I wondered. I looked at Edward's phone... When did I get Edward's cell phone? I wondered? I opened it up, and the screen said, Saturday, May 1st, 4:00am. Prom in 12 hours. My heart sunk. "The prom... Edward... James.." I said sadly.
    I got dressed. I got on my beautiful dress I promised myself earlier to wear, the white and black dress with black flowers and sparkles, and a neck wrap. I put on my elegant pure white gloves, white tights, and black not-even high heels on, and went down the stairs quickly. I grabbed Edward's cell phone, said goodbye to my parents, and left, not in a rush. -When I got down stairs, I started to walk.- I went into my car, blew a kiss to my parents, waved, and drove out.
    When I got there, one car, I found out, no one had was there. ? I thought. I shrugged, got out, and then Edward was in front of me. "Woah!" I said in shock. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was in total shock. We stared at each other for a long moment. "Er... Edward... Dream..." I tried to spit the words out, but it was hard. "I know. I promised, and I came." he said, smiling. We held hands, and went in.
    When the soft music came on, Edward and I danced slowly together. "Bella." Edward said. I was lying on his shoulder. Edward smiled. I cried. I kissed his shoulder, and I loved him... -James was the DJ-... At least James came. I thought, sobbing more. I loved Edward... I loved James...

    I loved Edward forever.