• Hello my name is David Wrath and I would like to tell you my story of how me and my beloved Renesmee Carlie. Well it all starts from 1706 to today in 2009. Yes I know its a couple hundred years a long time for you simple humans unlike for us higher beings. Of course I’m referring to vampires. So let’s get to my story shall we?

    So let me collect my thoughts…I had just moved to live with my mother and I was pretty content with it but it was always wet there and it was in the middle of nowhere. “You know you didn’t have to come live with me if you don’t want to David.” She said trying to make me feel better. “Well I’m sure Louisiana can’t be that bad.” I was a really skinny kid at the time but I could hold my own but I was more right than I thought I would be. “Ok I just know you’re kind of disappointed that your dad is moving to Japan.” She said and I could see the worry in her eyes for me.
    “It’s fine really mom.” I said looking down to my mother and putting one of my bony hands on her shoulder smiling showing my charm that I had inherited from my father. “If you say so dear I hope you will be happy living with me here and I’m glad you decided to come.” She said smiling back at me with that smile I loved to see on my mother.

    I had a little trouble getting to sleep that night because I had not adjusted from the weather in California yet so I was not used to the humidity or the time change yet. I finally nodded off around three in the morning only to be woken up for my first day of junior high at six in the morning. I took my time getting ready and almost missed my bus. I hated the bus driver that morning her name was Ms. Kam she was a total witch. I made four good friends my first day though there was Justin, Trevor, Donal, and I can’t forget the clown of the group Jon he could make anyone laugh. The five of us talk all the bus ride I found out Dustin and Trevor where best friends and I found all of us loved the Halo games. Then the bus finally arrived at school and then when I got off the bus I saw her the most beautiful creature I had ever seen standing with a group of her friends she had beautiful grey eyes, and long brown hair standing next to her was a girl, as I later learned her best friend, with purplish hair. Of course by this time creatures like vampires, werewolves, and others where already know and actually accepted. So I decided to walk up not knowing what she was. “Umm…hey I’m new here do you know where room 291 is?” I asked making an excuse. “Umm … yes it is right over there.” She said pointing to it. “Thanks umm … I didn’t catch your name.” I said trying feebely to start a conversation with her.