• My heart skipped a beat as I stood on my porch. I was drenched wet after being in the rain. I fished in my pocket for the house keys. Phew! It was still there. I thought I had dropped in somewhere in the haunted house. I opened the door and peeked inside. My house was dark. Good, my parents were still sleeping. I tip-toed inside. Once I was in my room, I quickly took out some freshly-washed clothes. I tore off my wet and drenched clothes and threw the washed clothes on. They smelt of lavender, my favourite. I quickly jumped on bed and threw the covers over my body. I lied down on my bed and started thinking in the darkness. Who was the boy I'd seen on the top window? Was I imagining it? What about Liam? Where was he now? What had happened to him? Is he hurt? Am I insane? The bunch of questions were evolving through my head, forcing me to give them an answer. I tossed and turned in bed, coming up with some nasty answers to the some of the questions. I had a hard time going to sleep but in the end, my heavy eyelids closed.