• I was in my room. Ever since David died, I took an oath to talk to anyone until I killed the other two vampires. Eric was dead. Elizabeth, and Alex were still out there. I needed to kill them. I got on the computer and went to the school's website. I typed in Elizabeth. Many searches came up. This isn't good. I need to know her whole name. I forgot all about that.
    Now I was alone no one to talk to. What a day.
    "Jennifer open the door." A voice cried.
    "Who is it?" I asked.
    "It's Eric." He replied.
    The words hit me so hard. I opened the window and jumped out.
    "Get her!" Eric yelled. Then out of the thin air Elizabeth jumped from a roof, right in front of me. She was scared.
    "What do you want, you gonna kill me?" I whispered.
    "No. Not yet." She laughed.
    Then Eric jumped from the house window down to my car ad ran to me as fast as he could. He looked scared too. Then Alex was at the end of the street. Alex smiled and started to run towards me. He looked scared as the same with Elizabeth and Eric.
    "We need to protect you." Elizabeth gasped.
    "What are you talking about? Aren't you going to kill me now?" I asked
    "We can't." Alex said.
    "Look, David is still alive." Eric said.
    "Look! Enough with all of this crap!" I yelled.
    "You don't believe us?" Alex cried.
    "After all Eric was killed and so was David from an enemy venom!" I gasped confused.
    "No, because a vampire never ages or dies." Eric gasped.
    "So why are you guys telling me this, especially you?" I yelled at Eric.
    Then out of the thin air, David's scent went right below my nose, and i smelled his shirt. Then i turned to look at him he was smiling. He started walking towards me and I nearly started laughing.
    "Oh my God!" I yelled.
    "Shh!" He called.