• Luna kept firing and firing. The burgular knocked the gun out of her hand with his crowbar. She leapt at him, shrieking. Her sharp nails connected with his skin, and she began to feel blood trickle down her fingers. He lashed back and hit the side of her arm with the crowbar. She leapt off him for a second, and he punched her in the face. She went down. Luna got back up and kicked him in the junk. He fell to his knees, and Luna kicked him in the sides and face. The burgular attacked her, full blast. She got punched and scratched. She was bleeding pretty badly, but she jumped back onto his back on a death grip. The burgular flung his crowbar across the room and attempted unsuccessfully to pry Luna's nails out of his flesh. He raked his nails across her face. "DAD!" She cried out. "Get your shotgun! HURRY!" Luna continued to hold her death grip on the burgular as he writhed and rocked around like a rodeo bull. Luna's dad ran in, shotgun in hand. He loaded it in an instant, and aimed at the burgular. "Luna, get off him, your mom's calling the cops," her father muttered. Luna unhooked her nails and dashed over to Seth. When the burgular had flung his crowbar to get Luna off him with his hands, the crowbar had landed on Seth. She ripped off the blanket to see he was fine, but a little bruised. He wasn't even scared.
    The cops arrived and handcuffed the burgular. "Thank you, officers," Luna's mother said. "If Luna would have gotten killed, I don't know what I would have done without her to make me laugh." "It's what we do Ma'am," the policeman said simply. "Well, thank you," her mother said again.
    Once the cops were gone, Luna's dad went back to sleep while her mother patched up a terrified Jared and a pissed off Luna. "Mom! I'm fine!" Luna snapped once she had a couple Band-Aids on her cuts. She went back to bed with Seth and fell asleep, waiting for day to break.
    TO BE CONTINUED..........................................................................................