• He took a deep breath. This was dangerous business and he was walking on thin ice. He looked at the girl carefully. She looked completely innocent. On the outside. But she was smart, he could tell. And cunning. He knew better then to believe the outside. His father did too, but, sometimes even your greatest friend for years can turn their back towards you. As long as there is money and women, you can never trust. Time for the second question.

    "What's your name?"
    This boy was really odd. Violet knew what he was up to, but she decided to go with the flow and see where he was going with this whole "act"
    "My name is Violet Petrel. I am 16 years old and I have been living in this house for roughly a day and a half. Now your turn."
    The boy seemed slightly surprised that she had said all that but said,
    "My name is Nathan Arthur Felinesly. I too am 16 years old and I have been living here all my life."
    Violet stared at him for a long time. This was really odd. He acted so polite and was so grammatically correct that it kind of crept her out. She didn't blink once. When the boy started to speak again, Violet interrupted him.
    "My turn to ask a question. How the heck did you get in here. If that wasn't magic I saw, kill me."
    The boy began to speak, then stopped. Then he started again. Then stopped. Suddenly he walked towards the desk and Violet turned so he wouldn't see the pen in her hand. She would use all forces if needed. He hastily began to rummage around for something. His face lit up as he pulled out a book. The Forgotten Tales of King Arthur And His Knights. Violet frowned. She had read hundreds of books about king Arthur and not one of them captured her like most books do. It was the women. The author always described them as wimps and cowards and/or unfaithful to their husbands. And the men too. They are really quite stupid. Oh, and the romance. Like everyone falls in love at first sight. The books were really pathetic, like a night soap. Only they were 700 years old.
    "Do you want to go in?"
    Violet came back down to earth.
    "Do you want to go inside the book?"
    She looked as if someone had slapped her in the face. Nathan cursed himself for being so naive and just nearly blowing his cover. What cover? She saw you come in from 'The hobbit' and use magic.
    "What you saw, me coming in from that portal, it was me coming out of a book. The Hobbit to be exact. Don't look at me like I am crazy, you saw for yourself." Nathan began to talk faster and faster. "You see, it's the room that magical, not me. And if you read a passage out of the book, you will-"
    "Stop. Slow down. Are you saying I can go in?"
    He nodded.
    "When do we leave?"