• In the mountain range of Europe in 1700 in a small church lived a man.This man had a curse upon him by the devil that if he ever left the church he would turn into a Wolfman ,but the man became saucy(scared) ,and fled the church thinking the curse has just a trick.As the man entered a village which name has been lost in history he began to become worried and on that very night a full moon casted it's light upon him and he lost his mind and became the wolf man.He began biting many turning them to other wolves.In that very village lived a small girl who mother was killed by the wolf men she became mad herself and the devil gave her the power of blood she became the dead bat aka a vampire she started biting people herself crafting a army that would crush todays world.Finally in 1783 on the very ground of the old village the war began the wolves versus the bats the wolves used fire cannons and spears the bats used silver swords.In the end both sides won and lost the vampires had more people in the end but had less strength the wolves had less people but more strength.No one knows what happend to the church man or the girl some say they just died others say they lost their powers and lived in that church but 1 thing is certain the war of 1783 made world war 2 look like a 2nd grade play ground fight hopefully it will never be repearted.....................................