• A new path

    Chapter one
    Mackenzie woke with a shock. Her alarm was going off. She threw her pillow at her clock, but it did nothing. Kenzie (which was what ever body called her) was having trouble sleeping lately and just wanted to go back to sleep. She tried covering her head with her other pillow but someone started calling her name.
    “Kenzie!” a woman called.
    Kenzie pulled off the blankets and slipped out of her bed. Not bothering to change or even brush her hair. Kenzie found her way to the stairs and slowly thumped down them. When she got to the kitchen she peered at the clock. Six o’clock in the morning! It was the weekend and she was woken up at six o’clock in the morning!
    Kenzie dragged herself to the dinning room where she ate breakfast every morning. Her adoptive parents were sitting at each end and her stepsister April was sitting at one of the sides and waiting for her.
    “You couldn’t have even brushed your hair?” Her father asked.
    “Well when someone sets my alarm that wakes me up at six o’clock in the morning on a weekend I come downstairs and don’t really car what I look like.” Kenzie kind of sassed.
    Her adoptive parents were always a little harder on her than they were on April, but Kenzie understood. April was there actual daughter, so it was different. April and Kenzie both got good grades and they were both involved in after school activity’s. April was a sportsperson and Kenzie liked to act and was into the art stuff.
    “Sorry,” Kenzie told them “I just haven’t been getting very much sleep.” She admitted to them.
    “It’s fine.” Her father said.
    “I figured something was wrong when you came down and snapped at us like that,” her mother added “You can go back to sleep if you want?” she offered.
    “I think I will take you up on that offer.” Kenzie said as she pushed her chair out and made her way to the steps.
    “Oh yeah and some man called and wanted you to call him back today.” Her mother reminded her.
    “Do you know who it was?” Kenzie asked. Her mother shook her head.
    “He said it was urgent business and he didn’t want to talk about it.” Her mother told her.
    “Okay, I will call him after I get some sleep.” Kenzie told her. Kenzie climbed the stairs and entered her room, but before she climbed back into bed she flipped the switch on her clock so that the alarm would not go off again.
    Kenzie felt so much better after getting a little sleep. She went downstairs a poured a bowl of cereal for herself. She sat down and ate as she read the Saturday newspaper. When she finished she went to the bathroom and brushed her hair. Then she got in to the shower. As she climbed out of the shower she realized the house seemed a little quit. She made her way to the phone to make call that guy. Lying beside the phone was a note.
    Here is the number that the man left with me. We will be gone for most of the day. I will see you later. Love you.
    Kenzie picked up the phone and dialed the number on the slip of paper. She listened to it ring and then someone picked up on the other end.
    “Hello this is Joseph’s assistant, how may I help you?” the man on the other side said.
    “Um, yeah can I talk to Joseph please?” Kenzie asked.
    “What is this about?” the man asked.
    “I don’t know Joseph called my mother and told her to have me call him back.” She told the man.
    “Okay, hold on.” The man told her switching her to Joseph’s line. Kenzie waited for what seemed like a couple of seconds.
    “Hello?” a man said.
    “Hi, you called and wanted to talk to me.” Kenzie told him.
    “Oh are you Mackenzie?” He asked.
    “Yeah.” She said wondering how he knew her name.
    “That’s great,” he said with enthusiasm
    “Your father has been looking for you for almost seventeen years!” Joseph exclaimed.
    “Mm-y father?” Kenzie asked
    “Yes, I am coming to pick you up right away.”
    Joseph told her. Kenzie hesitated for a second. Was it safe?
    “Okay.” She told him.
    It seemed like ages until finally a car pulled in, but it wasn’t a car. It was a limousine. Joseph came to the door but before he rang the doorbell Kenzie opened the door. Kenzie followed him to the car. Before she got there he already had the door open for her and gestured for her get in. Kenzie climbed in the back and let Joseph close the door. Could this all be just a dream? Or was this really happening?
    Joseph crawled into the front seat and looked back at Kenzie.
    “You look so much like your father,” he said with a smile “We must take you to him right away.” He said to me starting the car.
    “But what about my adoptive mother and father and my step sister,” she said with concern
    “They will be looking for me if I just up and disappear.” Kenzie told him.
    “Don’t worry about that,” He told her “We will just erase their memory.” He explained.
    “Is my dad from the FBI or something?” Kenzie asked a little confused.
    “Not exactly.” Joseph said.
    “Then what?” Kenzie asked.
    Well, your dad is…” Joseph trailed off.
    “Who,” she asked.
    “Tell me.” She insisted. Joseph looked back at her.
    “He is Poseidon.” Joseph told her.

    Chapter two
    The daughter of Poseidon? How could that even be possible? Kenzie was just like any of the other orphans. She was plain and in a way different. But she did have unique hair. It was a very light brown with natural red, brown, and even a little blonde highlights. She was also known at the orphanage for her beautiful eyes. They were an emerald green with a gold ring around the pupil.
    Joseph could obviously tell that Kenzie was thinking this over for he had pulled out of the driveway and was already on the highway.
    Now Kenzie wondered where she would live. Would she live with the other gods in the place the called Olympus? Or would Poseidon come and live in the real world now that he found her? What was she saying? This was all probably a dream.
    Joseph pulled up in front of a building, which Kenzie recognized as the Empire state building. Only from pictures of course. The only time the girls ever left the orphanage was when they needed new cloths and even after when her adoptive parents adopted her they didn’t like the girls going out very much.
    Joseph came to her door and opened it, motioning for her to the sidewalk.
    He slammed the door and asked her to follow. As they entered the building Kenzie slightly drew back in shock. Sitting behind the desk was a man with scales instead of skin.
    “It’s ok,” Joseph told Kenzie
    “He is an offspring from a Merrow and a human,” he explained to Kenzie. “They come out in human form but have scales,” he told her more. “Everybody that works here are the offspring of a Merrow an d a human.” He explained.
    “What’s a Merrow?” Kenzie asked in confusion.
    “It’s like a mermaid only much kinder a gentler.” He told her. Kenzie nodded and they moved on to the elevator after Joseph told the secretaries why she was here.
    They entered the elevator and Joseph pushed the very last button. The elevator started.
    “Do you have any questions, we are going to be on here for a while.” Joseph asked.
    “Yeah, why has everything so far that I have seen here have something to do with water?” Kenzie stated curious.
    “Well of course, Poseidon is the god of water.” Joseph said in amazement.
    Other then that one question they were both quiet the whole way up. They really didn’t have anything to talk about. So much had happened already that day.
    They finally reached the top floor and the doors slide open. They both just stood there for a minute and then Joseph looked at Kenzie and Kenzie knew the look in his eyes so she followed.
    They walked through a few more corridors and a few more doors and then they came to a huge and beautiful glass door. As soon as they got about three feet from it immediately opened and Kenzie was astonished by what she saw.
    Behind the doors was a beautiful scene. The whole place looked as if they were stuck in a cloud and all the pillars were made of beautiful marble. Everything was just so amazing.
    In the front of the room were two thrones one taller and grander then the other. In the grander throne was a gruff looking man with gray hair and in the other was a kind looking man with light brown hair like Kenzie’s. This man was smiling at her. She looked at him and knew he was her father.
    The gentle man stood and walked towards them. He held out his hand and Kenzie took it. For a second he just held it and then he pulled her towards him and hugged her. At first Kenzie felt the warm embrace of her father and wanted to pull away. She had never liked being touched. But soon she felt welcomed.
    “I’m guessing you are the god of the sea.” Kenzie said.
    “Yes, and I am guessing you are Mackenzie, daughter to the god of the sea.” Poseidon answered.
    “Well I have been told so.” Kenzie stated. Poseidon looked at Joseph.
    “She is defiantly the one, you have done well, you will be rewarded.” Poseidon told Joseph. Joseph bowed his head.
    “I am just happy to see that she is home again, I remember when she was a baby.” Joseph said. Kenzie looked at the man.
    “The same color hair,” she stated, but she looked at his eyes, which were bright blue “But not the same color eyes I see.” She said.
    “No, you got your mothers eyes, but not her raven black hair,” he told her. “You also got my skin color.” He said picking up her arm and then letting it fall.
    “Was my mothers skin darker?” Kenzie asked curious about her mother
    “Not exactly.” He told Kenzie.
    “What do you mean?” Kenzie asked.
    “Your mothers skin color was a little different.” He told her.
    “What?” Kenzie asked.
    “Her skin was green.” He stated flatly.

    Chapter three
    What did he mean her skin was green? Wasn’t she human? Or was she some type of creature?
    “What?” Kenzie finally asked.
    “Her skin is green.” Poseidon told her.
    “Is she human?” Kenzie asked him kind of concerned.
    “Well, yes in a way.” He told her.
    “What do you mean by in a way?” she asked him getting annoyed.
    “Well you see your mom is…”he trailed off.
    “What?” She asked him.
    “She’s Medusa.” He said looking straight at her. Kenzie just stood there and then she thought about it. Having medusa as a mom would be a little weird but if Poseidon loved her she couldn’t be as bad as all the stories said.
    “I need some major answers.” Kenzie told Poseidon.
    “Ok, follow me,” he gestured toward a door. “We can talk in my lounge.” He said leading her through the door and into one of the wings of the huge palace.
    “Start from the beginning.” Kenzie told him.
    “Okay,” he replied, “It all stared when I was walking along the beach, and I was enjoying myself just walking alone when I heard something behind me. I turned around and there she was standing looking towards the ocean, her hair blowing in the wind. She looked my way and our eyes locked.” He paused. Kenzie took the chance to ask a question.
    “The story says that Medusa turns anyone that looks her straight in the eyes to stone, is that not true?” She asked him.
    “No, it’s true but I am a god I have certain powers.” He explained.
    Oh, back to the story.” She replied.
    “We started seeing more of each other, and when Zeus found out he was furious and we were separated. It just so happened though Medusa ended up pregnant which allowed us to be together until the child was born. As soon as the child was born we were separated and the child was taken to an orphanage. We begged them not to take it but they wouldn’t listen.”
    “Why wouldn’t they let you keep the child?” Kenzie asked confused.
    “Because of how much power we both had, the child would be more powerful than any other child of a god.” He explained. Kenzie got this bad feeling. She dare not ask the question she wanted to know, but she did.
    “Am I that child?” she asked as Poseidon looked at her with sad eyes.
    “I am afraid so.” He said as he looked away. Kenzie just sat there letting it all sink in. All this time she had been this powerful person and nobody even bothered to tell her. I guess she really didn’t blame them. Her adoptive parents didn’t know and everyone else was vowed to secrecy.
    “Are you okay?” Poseidon asked sounding a little concerned.
    “Yeah, I was just thinking.” Kenzie told him.
    “Would you like me to show you to your room,” he asked, “It is in my wing.” He explained.
    “I would love that,” she said with a smile “Thank you.”
    Poseidon slightly pushed the doors open and light flooded into the hallway. When the light went down Kenzie just stood there in awe at what she saw. There in front of her was a large room with a queen-sized bed, desk with a mirror and drawers, and there was a walk-in closet filled with cloths and shoes. Kenzie turned to look at her father and he gestured for her to enter.
    “It’s beautiful.” Kenzie exclaimed. She walked around picking things up, examining them and then placed them back carefully. She stood in the middle of the room with her arms out and started to spin. She span around the room and collapsed on the bed laughing. Poseidon walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.
    “I hope you like it.” He said looking around the room. Kenzie looked up at him.
    “Like it?” she exclaimed, “I love it!”
    “I picked everything out myself.” He said looking at the floor.
    “You have very good taste.” Kenzie said with a giggle. They both looked at each other and laughed.
    “Well I am going to leave you alone for a while so you can get comfortable.” He said getting up off the bed and walking towards the door. Kenzie nodded and he shut the door behind him.
    Kenzie looked around again and got up off the bed. She went to the huge bathroom that was in her room and took a long warm shower. When she finished she went to the walk in closet and picked out a pair of low-cut blue jeans, a gray t-shirt, and a black sweater and halfway zipped it up. She went to the desk and in the drawers she found some eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, and other makeup. She looked at herself in the mirror and carefully put some black eyeliner and dark blue eye shadow on.
    Kenzie pulled open the drawers on the other side and found some journals and pencils and pens. She carefully picked one out and dated the top of the page. She would write in this one first but not now, not yet. Maybe later, right before she went to bed.
    Kenzie looked at the clock. Wow had time flew by. She was just about to go find her father when the buzzer by her door went off.
    “Miss Mackenzie is wanted in the dining room.” The voice said. Kenzie knew that voice. It was Joseph. Kenzie pushed the talk button.
    “Coming.” She told Joseph. Kenzie turned off the lights and exited the room. She closed the door and then realized she had no idea where she was going. She looked around the hall and decided to go back to the lounge.
    Kenzie found herself back in the lounge and waiting for her was Joseph.
    “I figured you might need help finding your way to the dining room.” Joseph said smiling.
    “That might be a little helpful.” Kenzie laughed. Joseph led her through the door on the right and there they were, in the dining room.
    “Thanks.” Kenzie nodded at Joseph. Joseph left the room and closed the door behind him. Kenzie sat in the closest chair. At the other end of the table Poseidon sat motionless. He snapped his fingers and more offspring of human and Merrow came out with trays in their hands. They placed one in front of Kenzie and one in front on Poseidon.
    “Enjoy.” He said as the waiters took the cover off the trays. Kenzie looked at the tray and all of a sudden felt starving. Sitting in front of her was a huge snow white crab. Kenzie immediately started eating. Her and her father talked like they had known each other all their lives. She had they best time of her life. When she finished she was excused and was lead back to her room. Kenzie didn’t even bother to change she just crawled in bed and fell asleep immediately.

    Chapter four
    Kenzie rolled over and looked at the clock. Eight o’clock a.m. Kenzie pulled back her blankets and crawled out of bed. She took the brush from her bedside stand and brushed her hair. She went to her closet and pulled on some red sweat pants and a black t-shirt. The buzzer went off.
    “Miss Mackenzie would you like breakfast in your room this morning?” Joseph asked.
    “I would love that,” she told him “Thanks.” Kenzie sat down at her desk and wrote in her journal because she didn’t have a chance to last night. She had just finished her entry when she heard knock on the door.
    “Come in.” She said just finishing signing her name. Joseph entered the room with a tray. He walked to the desk and placed the tray on the desk after Kenzie removed her journal.
    “Thanks.” Kenzie said smiling at him. Joseph nodded and exited the room. Kenzie looked at the tray. Eggs, bacon, muffin, and toast. It was so good. She finished and called Joseph to come get the tray. Joseph immediately showed up and took the tray. As he was leaving he turned and looked at Kenzie.
    “Your father has left Aaron to give you a tour.” He told her and then left.
    Who was Aaron? Just as Kenzie was about to go ask Joseph who Aaron was, a boy with black spiked hair and looked about her age, maybe a couple years older, showed up in her doorway.
    “Hi, you must be Aaron.” Kenzie said while pulling her hair into a high pony.
    “Uh yeah, you must be Mackenzie.” He said looking around.
    “Kenzie.” She said to him.
    “What?” He asked.
    “My name, call me Kenzie.” She told him.
    “Oh, okay.” He exited the room and Kenzie followed laughing a little. Aaron led her through the hallways and through some doors.
    “This is the one of the libraries, there are two more down the hall,” He said as they moved down the hallway.
    “This is the council room,” they moved down again.
    “This is the study, everything else isn’t important and I am not allowed to show you it.” He said as they made there way back to the end of the hallway.
    “Wait that’s it, what about the other wing?” Kenzie asked.
    “Zeus doesn’t want you in his wing and besides it’s exactly the same.” Aaron told her.
    “Okay then, I can find my way back to my own room.” Kenzie said walking in front of Aaron.
    “Okay, if you ever need my help with anything just ask.” He said giving her a smile. Kenzie smiled back and entered her room. What a tour. It took like five minutes! Oh well now she could go to the library. Kenzie exited her room again and walked down the hall. They went to the first library she could find and entered. She scanned the shelves. She picked out the first mythology book she could find. She sat down at a table and started reading.
    Aaron was so confused. This girl looked like her father but did not act like her father. She was very nice though. Not that bad looking either. What was he saying? His father would kill him if he figured out that he had even the slightest feelings for this girl. He talked about her like she was the daughter of the devil and not the daughter of Poseidon.
    Aaron had lost track of time and where he was going. Now it was eight-thirty-five and he was standing in front of his fathers study. He didn’t know how he got here or why he even came here. Aaron entered anyway. He grabbed the book he had been reading and sat down on the chair and started reading.
    Kenzie hadn’t realized how long she was sitting there until Joseph tapped on her shoulder.
    “Your father has been looking for you.” He said, his tone sounded a little worried.
    “Oh my gosh I didn’t realize how late it’s gotten,” she said picking up the book and taking it to the desk.
    “May I borrow this?” She asked the lady at the desk. The lady just nodded and Kenzie followed Joseph out of the room. Kenzie speed walked to her room and placed the book on her desk.
    “Were is he?” she asked.
    “He’s in the dining room.” Joseph said. Kenzie nodded her head.
    She found her way to the dining room and entered. She sat in the same chair she had the night before.
    “I am really sorry, I lost track of time.” She said as she took her seat.
    “That’s fine, I’m just glad you’re here.” He said snapping his fingers. The food was even more delicious tonight. Kenzie finished all her courses and they were all very good.
    “May I go back to my room, I was planning on doing some stuff before bed?” Kenzie asked.
    “Yes you may go,” Poseidon said as Kenzie got up out of her chair. “Oh, how was the tour?” he asked.
    “It was fine, thank you.” Kenzie replied and then left the room. She walked down the hall and entered her room. She went to her drawer and pulled out her journal. She started a new entry and fell asleep at the desk.
    Kenzie woke in the middle of the night. She put away her journal and pen and then she went to her closet and she put on pajamas. She crawled into bed, but it took some time to fall back to sleep.

    Chapter five
    When Kenzie woke that morning she had such a stiff neck. She hopped right into the shower and pulled a pair of blue jeans and a blue t-shirt. She buzzed Joseph for breakfast and then she picked up the mythology book. She read until she heard a knock on the door. Kenzie got up and opened the door, but it wasn’t Joseph. It was Aaron. He smiled and Kenzie gestured towards the desk. As Aaron set the tray down he looked the book placed on the desk.
    “Is it very interesting?” he asked.
    “Oh yeah I am learning all sorts of stuff.” Kenzie said putting the book in the drawer.
    “So you aren’t an offspring of a Merrow and a human are you?” Kenzie asked.
    No, not exactly.” Aaron said setting the tray on the desk.
    “Why does everyone say that,” Kenzie said very annoyed. “Well, than what?” she asked.
    “I am Zeus’s son.” He said looking straight at her. Kenzie looked at the floor.
    “Then your dad probably doesn’t want us talking.” She said. Then Kenzie thought about something.
    “Hold on, if you’re Zeus’s son then why do you live with Zeus and not in the real world like I had to be.” Kenzie asked confused.
    “I am the son of Zeus and a mortal not another god or mythological creature, so my powers aren’t as great as yours. Zeus was only trying to protect you,” He explained.
    “That’s why he tried to hide you in the real world.”
    “Well I should probably be on my way I have to go talk to my father.” He said leaving the room.
    “Thank you.” Kenzie said smiling at him. He just nodded. Kenzie closed the door and sat down at the desk. The same breakfast as yesterday was on the tray. It was really good. Kenzie read her book as she ate. She had almost finished her breakfast when the buzzer went off.
    “Miss Mackenzie your father would like to speak to you in the lounge.” Joseph told her. She pushed the talk button.
    “Hold on, I am just finishing my breakfast.” She told him. She went back to the desk and finished her breakfast before putting the book in her drawer and walking towards the lounge.
    When Kenzie arrived she found her father sitting on the couch. When he saw her he got up off the couch and went over to talk to her.
    “Hey, what’s up?” she asked him.
    “I just wanted to let you know I am having a meeting the whole day, so don’t try and come find me.” He told her. Kenzie nodded. He looked at her straight in the eyes.
    “I will make it up to you, I promise.” He said. Kenzie nodded again.
    She didn’t seem to get to spend a lot of time with her dad and she wished she could see him more. She walked back to her room and pulled out the book. She had just finished reading about how Medusa seduced Poseidon. She wondered if that was true? Kenzie read until Joseph called again and asked her if she wanted lunch. When she answered yes he sent someone up with something to eat. Joseph also called for supper and again something was sent up. Kenzie finished her supper and read more of her book. She jumped in shock when the buzzer went off.
    “Miss Mackenzie you are wanted in the main entrance right away.” Joseph said in a sharp voice. What could be so important?
    “Coming.” She replied. She shut off the lights and went straight to the main entrance. On her way the floor seemed to be shaking. What was going on? Kenzie ran to the main entrance. When she got there she was almost hit by a lightning bolt.
    “What is she doing here?” Zeus boomed and tried to throw another lightning bolt at Kenzie.
    “Zeus stop,” Poseidon yelled back “That is my daughter and I told her to come!”
    “The daughter that should never have existed!” Zeus screamed again.
    “Well she does, so you are going to have to deal with it!” Poseidon yelled.
    “She has to go back,” Zeus insisted. “If Hades gets his hands on her we are all doomed!” Zeus yelled.
    “If we send her back Hades will find her faster,” he told him “Beside she belongs here with her father!”
    “She will kill us all in our sleep!” Zeus protested. Kenzie felt weird with them yelling about her right in front of her.
    “She will not, all she needs is some good training so she can control all of her powers!” Poseidon proclaimed. Kenzie took the chance to speak.
    “Zeus, I am not sure how powerful I really am but I promise if you let me stay I will control it as much as I can. I am really sorry, but my dad is right, I need to be here with him.” Kenzie exclaimed. Zeus looked at her for a while and then agreed. Kenzie went over and hugged her father.
    “Now if you don’t mind I am going back to my room and going to bed because I have had a long day and I am tired,” Kenzie explained.
    “Goodnight.” She said as she kissed her father on the cheek and then left the room.
    Kenzie walked down the corridors and back to her room. She wrote in her journal really quick and then got into pajamas, but instead of going to bed right away she crawled into bed and read out of her book. She couldn’t read for very long because she got tired. She put the book back in the drawer and turned off the light.

    Chapter six
    Kenzie woke bright and early that morning. She brushed her hair, her teeth, and then showered. She went to her closet and pulled on some khaki capris and a white t-shirt. She buzzed Joseph and he brought breakfast. She pulled out her journal and wrote in it a little bit. Then she read from her book. She had to ask Poseidon about that whole seduced thing. Joseph brought her breakfast and left Kenzie to eat it. Kenzie had just finished her breakfast when Joseph buzzed her.
    “Miss Mackenzie, your father would like to see you in the lounge.” He told her. What could be wrong now? Zeus had freaked out at them last night and Kenzie really didn’t want to go through something like again.
    “Hold on, oh and can you send some one to get my tray?” she asked.
    “Yeah, hold on.” He told her as she grabbed a gray sweater and opened the door. Standing in the doorway was Aaron.
    “Oh, hi,” she said dumbly. “Here.” She handed him the tray.
    “Yeah, thanks.” He said and took the tray. He started to walk away and then turned around.
    “Do you want me to walk with you to the lounge?” He asked looking at the floor. Kenzie just stood there for a second.
    “Oh, yeah sure, that would be great,” she said turning the lights off.
    “Thanks.” They both walked in silence for a while and then Aaron started talking out of nowhere.
    “So, do you like it here?” he asked looking at Kenzie.
    “Sure, its not bad,” she looking at the names on the door.
    “I wish I could spend more time with my dad though.”
    “Me to,” he said. “I haven’t seen my dad in ten years.” Kenzie stopped and looked at him.
    “Wait, you have been living here since…” Kenzie trailed off.
    “Since I was two.” He put in.
    “Since you were two and you haven’t seen him for ten years.” Kenzie said in surprise.
    “We don’t see each other unless something big happens.” He explained.
    “I guess I am lucky.” Kenzie said. Just then they reached the lounge.
    “I guess I will see you around.” Kenzie said as he went through other door. Kenzie walked over to were her father was sitting.
    “Hey, what’s up?” she asked her father casually. He smiled and stood up.
    “How would you like to spend the whole day with me?” he asked hugging her.
    “Really,” she asked a little surprised. “That would be great.”
    “Ok, I thought we could go to the yard.” He said starting to walk out.
    “Wait, there’s a yard?” she asked in surprise.
    “Yeah.” He said.
    “I didn’t know that.” She said. He laughed.
    “Come on,” he said.
    “I’ll show you.” He told her.
    They walked through a bunch of hallways and a bunch of doors and then they came to wooden double doors. He slightly pushed them open and there in front of them was a beautiful green yard. It was filled with flowers and fountains. Kenzie walked around for a while and then sat down on one of the benches attached to one of the fountains. She patted the seat next to her, gesturing for her father to come sit down. Poseidon came over and sat down next to his daughter.
    “Hey I have to ask you something.” Kenzie said.
    “Yeah, what is it?” he asked.
    “In the book I am reading it says Medusa seduced you, is that true?” she asked trying not to be rude.
    “No, I wasn’t seduced, I loved your mother.” He told her, completely telling the truth. They both got really quit and then they started walking around, and then sat on another bench attached to another fountain.
    “So do you like it here?” her father asked.
    “I love it, its all like a dream,” Kenzie told him. “I feel like I am actually starting to fit in.”
    “I’m glad.” He said giving her a smile and hugging her.
    Kenzie looked into the fountain and saw some type of fish, but it wasn’t a normal fish. Kenzie’s father must have noticed that she was looking at the fish.
    “It’s a Falcon-fish,” he explained. “The body of a fish with the head and feet of a falcon and the ears of a dog,” he told her. “They occasionally go to the water because they are still fish, but they don’t have to live in the water.” He added. Kenzie smiled and got up. She walked around and then turned to look at her father.
    “What else is around here?” she asked her father.
    “Come on, there is one special place I want to show you.” He told her. He showed back through the doors and through a couple more hallways and doors.
    “Here he said, this is were your mother and I met.” He opened the door and inside was a gorgeous and relaxing beach. Kenzie turned and looked at him.
    “Wait, how did medusa get in here?” she asked him.
    “These doors lead to the real world.” He explained.
    “That is so cool.” Kenzie said with enthusiasm. They both walked around for a bit. Then Kenzie turned to her father.
    “I feel so relaxed here.” She told him. He smiled at her. The waves started getting bigger. Soon Poseidon had to move away because the waves were growing so large. The waves just kept getting bigger. Poseidon looked at Kenzie with concern. She just kept walking. Poseidon walked towards Kenzie and touched her shoulder.
    “What’s wrong?” she asked him. He pointed towards the waves.
    “You are way to relaxed, your letting your powers seep out, we need to get you out of here.” Her father told her while pulling her away from the ocean.
    “But, I like it here.” She said trying to pull away.
    “Mackenzie if we don’t get you out of here you might hurt someone.” Her father explained to her. Kenzie looked at the ocean one more time and then followed him out.
    “I’m really sorry, I guess I don’t know how to control my powers all the way yet.” Kenzie replied.
    “It’s ok Mackenzie, we should start your training tomorrow.” He said starting to walk down the hall.
    “I’m hungry it has got to be close to lunch time.” Kenzie stated.
    “Actually it is supper time.” Her father corrected her. Kenzie looked at him in shock.
    “How we weren’t even out there for very long?” she said in amazement.
    “Up here time passes faster.” He explained to her.
    The two of them walked to the dining room and sat down at each end. Poseidon snapped his fingers and food was brought to them. Today they ate steak. It was very good just like all the other meals they had had. After they were both done eating the retreated to the lounge.
    “May I go to my room,” Kenzie asked her father. “I would like to go to bed early, I want to get up early tomorrow so that I can explore more.” She told him.
    “Yes, I think I am going to settle in early to.” He told her. He hugged her and then they both went through different doors. Kenzie walked down the hallway and then entered her room. She pulled out her journal and started a new entry. She had learned so much today and was very tired. She didn’t write for long before putting it in the drawer, changing into her pajamas, and crawling into bed. She read for a little bit and fell asleep with the lights on and the book on top of her face, but Joseph came in and put the book away and turned off the lights and then kissed her on the forehead.
    “Feels like you’re my own daughter.”

    Chapter seven
    Kenzie woke and like usual called for Joseph to bring her breakfast as she started a new chapter in her book. She opened the door before Joseph even knocked.
    “How did you know I was there?” Joseph asked puzzled as he set the tray on the desk.
    “I don’t know, I could just sense you.” She told him a little confused herself.
    “It’s a good thing we are starting your training today.” He told her.
    “Yeah” Kenzie replied. Joseph left. Kenzie sat down at her desk and started eating her breakfast. She had a routine now. Except for the occasional change in schedule, like todays. Kenzie quickly ate her breakfast and walked to the lounge. Halfway there Aaron met up with her.
    “Hey, were are you headed to?” he asked her.
    “I have to talk to my father about training.” She told him.
    “Oh, well I was just wandering if you wanted to hang out some time that you’re not busy?” he asked her looking down at the floor in an embarrassed way. Kenzie stopped before entering the lounge.
    “That would fun,” she said looking at him. “When?” she asked.
    “Just tell me when you’re not busy.” He told her.
    “Okay, I will get back to you.” She told him.
    “Okay.” He said back. Kenzie started to walk away and then turned around and smiled at him. Then she entered the lounge and
    Aaron walked back to his room with a smile on his face. He should have told her that he was her trainer, but he didn’t and it would be funny to see the look on her face later when she finds out.
    Kenzie walked over to one of the assistants and asked if she could speak to her father. They told her that her father wanted to speak to her anyway. She sat down on the couch and waited for her father.
    “Hey, I want you to start your training.” Poseidon told her.
    “Ok were do I go.” She asked him.
    “The training room,” he said. “Follow me.” He told her leading the way. Kenzie followed her father back to where her room was, but they passed her room and kept walking down the hall to the very last room. They entered together and to Kenzie’s surprise Aaron was standing there.
    “Kenzie meet your training director.” Her father pointed to Aaron. Aaron looked at Kenzie and kind of laughed.
    “Hello Aaron.” Kenzie said mystified.
    “Well I will leave you two alone to start the training.” Her father told her as he walked out. Kenzie walked over to were Aaron was standing laughing.
    “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked smacking him.
    “I couldn’t help it.” He said still laughing.
    “It is not funny.” She said smacking him again, but laughing with him. They laughed for a while.
    “We should probably get started.” Aaron told her after a little bit.
    “Yeah, and now that you are my trainer we will be spending a lot of time together.” She stated.
    “Yeah I guess we will.” He said as he looked away.
    Aaron picked up a large stick and threw it at Kenzie and then picked up another one, which he rolled in his hand and then swung it at Kenzie with one swift move. Before Kenzie could block it swung at her and got her right in the stomach. Kenzie keeled over in pain for what seemed less than a second and then came back up and blocked another blow from Aaron. She ducked down as he tried to bring the stick down on her again. She spun around and attempted to crush his face but he grabbed her arm and the stick fell from it. She bent his arm just enough for him to let the stick go or be in pain. Just at that moment she spun down grabbed her stick and smacked him in the shin. He bent over and Kenzie got the chance to jab him in the stomach and as he bent over more she got him in the face. He fell to the floor and Kenzie stood up. He put his hand up. Kenzie understood that this was the end of their little match and she had won.
    Aaron stood. He had a bloody nose but the blood that was running down his face was slowly disappearing. Aaron looked at Kenzie.
    “This room is magic,” he explained.
    “That’s why it’s the training room, you slowly heal.” He added. Kenzie just smiled at him and walked over to where there was a seat. She sat down and grabbed a water bottle from a small refrigerator. Aaron sat down next to Kenzie and stared at his hands. They both just sat there and the Aaron looked up at Kenzie.
    “We should probably get back to training.” He told her.
    “Oh, uh yeah.” She replied. Aaron pulled out a balance beam and handed Kenzie her stick and then grabbed his. He jumped onto the balance beam and gestured for Kenzie to come up to. She walked over and with a gentle jump she was on the beam. She moved her feet swiftly. He swung at her feet, but she jumped and gracefully landed back on the beam without a fault. She swung and again hit him right in the stomach. She sent him flying across the room. Kenzie dropped the stick, jumped off the balance beam, and ran over to where Aaron was lying.
    “Oh my gosh are you ok!” Kenzie yelled while running over to him. Aaron had crashed into a bunch of weights.
    “Yeah I think I am ok.” He grunted.
    “I am so sorry,” She exclaimed. “ I think we are done training for one day.”
    “I definitely agree.” He managed another grunt as Kenzie pulled him up.
    “You can’t be afraid to hurt me,” He said looking straight at her. “This is your training, you can’t be afraid to hurt your enemy.”
    “But you’re not my enemy.” She stated.
    “You know what I mean.” He said. They both made their way to the door and exiting the room. Kenzie turned and looked and Aaron.
    “So what do you want to do?” Kenzie asked kind of hesitating.
    “You want to go see a movie?” he asked leaning up against the wall.
    “There’s a movie room to?” she asked a little surprised.
    “Yeah,” he said “ Come on.” Kenzie followed him a couple doors down the hall.
    “Here we are,” he said. “But before we open the door what do you want to see?” he asked her.
    “Um, how about Angels and Demons?” she asked.
    “You got it.” He told her. Aaron opened the door and walked down the hall. He took a seat right in the middle of the entire room. Kenzie took a seat next to him and Aaron handed her a pop and popcorn. She looked him and took it. They sat and watched the movie. They laughed when it was funny and were silent when it was serious. About half way through Kenzie felt a gentle brush of her hair. She felt something upon her shoulder. There lay Aaron’s hand. Kenzie left it. Although she didn’t like being touched and if Zeus saw them he would banish Aaron from him ever seeing her.
    The movie ended and Aaron walked Kenzie back to her room. Kenzie opened the door and slightly walked in then she turned around.
    “I had a really great time,” she told him. “ We should do it again sometime.”
    “Yes we should.” He agreed. Kenzie looked down at the floor. When she looked back up Aaron started leaning in.
    “Goodnight.” She said leaning away and closing the door.
    Kenzie stood with her back against the door. She smiled and walked over to her closet. She put on a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt. She peeked out the door to make sure Aaron was gone. When she saw that he was gone she walked to the dining room. When she entered the room she was greeted by a smile from her father. Dinner was delicious as usual.
    Kenzie went back to her room and crawled right into bed. Not even writing in her journal. She fell asleep with Aaron on her mind. She couldn’t wait for training tomorrow.