• "I'm bored." Andromeda said as she layed down on her bed. She was at the SDG base, and, obviously, she was bored. She stretched and yawned. "I miss my old home... in the land of nowhere..." she muttered as she fumbled with her locket. She sighed boredly with just a hint of loneliness. Then...


    Andromeda looked up, hearing a loud BANG somewhere close by. She shrunk into her demon shape and went to see what it was, and her curiosity lead her to a door that was on the ground, smashed, like something had flown through it and broke it down. She sniffed it, then gasped! It smelled familiar. She followed the trail of where the scent lead, and lost it.

    "Great..." She said to herself. Then realized she was near Kao Lyn's office. She hid under a table. Then, Kao Lyn himself walked out for some lunch. "Hey doc! Bring me somethin' back okay?" a voice called him inside. Andromeda watched as Kao Lyn walked away and out of sight. Andromeda pushed the door open, GunEagle was sitting on a table, clearly bored.

    "GunEagle?!" Andromeda said as she peeked in, looking at the aerial gundam. "Hey! Andy! Come on in!" GunEagle said, happy to see the scaly surprise at the door. Andromeda laughed and ran up to him, ready to pounce on him playfully. GunEagle caught her and laughed. "What brings you here?" He asked. She put her hands on his souldrive to better look at the gundam in the eyes. "Do you mean here, or at the SDG all together?" She asked. "Both." The gundam answered.

    Andromeda sighed. "Well, to make a long story short, my uncle was killed, this time for real, so I went to Lacroa for Zero's help, and somebody murdered Zero's squire, so we came here for protection." She said, lowering her head a bit, thinking about her uncle. She looked back up into his green eyes. "And if you mean here, I heard a crash, so I ran here to find out what it was."

    GunEagle nodded understandably. "You mean that weird dude with the hawk?" He asked, "good riddance, that guy was a pain in the a**."

    "Aww, he's not that bad." Andromeda said, "his hawk is cute."

    "That thing tried to peck my soul drive right out." GunEagle said. Andromeda snorted, holding back laughter. "Not funny." GunEagle said. "I have the scar to prove it."

    "No joke?" She asked. "Here, I'll show you." He said, putting her down on the table next to him, then wincing in pain, which made Andromeda worry a bit. "Something wrong?"

    "Just the result of using my jet boosters in the hallway." GunEagle assured. Andromeda snorted again, louder, holding back her laughter. "You used your jet boosters in the HALLWAY?!" She nearly broke out laughing. "Not funny." He said. "WHY would you do that?!" She asked laughing. "One dared me to." He answered.

    "You were dared to use your jet boosters and you TOOK it?!" Andromeda laughed. "Eagle, you haven't changed at all."

    "Refuse a dare from One? As if." He said, moving his arm around her, "and if I haven't changed, then you should expect this." He said, grabbed her gently in his arm and giving her a nuggie. Andromeda squealed in surprise. GunEagle knew not to be to rough but knew just the right amount of pressure to use on her. "Let me go!" Andromeda squealed through her laughter. GunEagle laughed, then put her down a moment later.

    The skinwalker rubbed her head while laughing. "Very funny, Eagle." She said playfully. He laughed and patted her, then stroked her frills, making her purr.

    Kao Lyn came in with a paper bag, which was GunEagle's lunch. "Oh, hello there Andromeda." He said as he passed the bag to GunEagle. "Hey Kao Lyn." She replied plainly. He was no one special to her, but they both knew eachother fairly well.

    "Well Eagle," Andromeda said, jumping off the table, "I'll leave you to eat." She started to walk out the door. "Alright," the gundam replied, "by the way, what do you think of Zohra? the new recruit?" He asked. Andromeda turned around just as she pushed the door open to leave, "I like him." She said, "he's pretty cool."

    "I suggest being careful around him." GunEagle warned. "Why?" Andromeda asked curiously. "I don't trust him." He said, "something about him isn't right."

    "How so?" Andromeda asked. "A couple of birds attacked me some days ago, and I found a bag of seeds with Zohra's signature." He said. Andromeda tilted her head. "He seems nice to me." She said. "Just be careful around him." He advised. Andromeda nodded. "I'll stop by later. Bye for now." She said. "Later." GunEagle said as he started to eat. Andromeda shut the door behind her and headed for her room.

    Andromeda went to her room, and jumped onto her bed. She became human and looked at her arm. A strange gold tattoo in the shape of the kanji for 'protection' was there. It just appeared some days ago. She sighed. "Good think I have scales in that form." She muttered. She folded her coat and became her demon form. She got on the coat and curled up and took a nap.