• Ghosts are mean. I thought as, yet again, another ghost poked me in the gut. I had to stop myself from shivering as it's finger went straight through my stomach. It felt like someone had just poured icy water down into the pit of my tummy. I started waking down the sidewalk faster, hoping the freakin spirit wouldn't follow.
    It did.
    I wanted to run and scream, but I couldn't. Certain spirits don't want to be seen and the gut-poking one following me didn't want to be. Grams, the only other family member in my family that could see what I could see, always said that when a ghost notices you can see them, all hell breaks loose. To make a long story short, they basically haunt you until you go crazy and die. I bet you could believe how I reacted when Grams told me that. Hmmm, I was all of... six? Maybe?
    Other spirits don't care if you can see them or not; they just wander around freaking people out and such. I can always tell when a spirit wants to be noticed and when one doesn't. I don't know how I know-it just comes with the job.
    Grams calls it being a "Seer". Very original Grams. Seers are people who can see what's beyond life. When Grams first told it to me, it kinda weirded me out. "Seeing what lies beyond life..." A scary phrase, I know.
    Ghostie then started pulling tiny strands of my hair. It was really asking for it. I turned around the corner, almost knocking some guy off of the ladder he was on top of.
    No wonder this ghost died, I thought, If it had been alive doing what it was doing now, I would've killed it.
    Suddenly, I felt a cold breeze come from my right. It danced over my skin, leaving behind little trails of goose-bumps behind on my arms. It felt incredible. I turned and saw a broken window in the side of an old brick house that looked like it was about to fall down any second. For a second I forgot about Ghostie and strolled over to see if I could get a look inside of what remained of the window.
    The window was a good six inches above my head. Poop. I thought. I looked around, trying to see if there was anything I could push over to the bottom of the window to stand on. About 15 yards away from me was a stack of crates. Perfect.
    I waked over to the stack, grabbed four crates and hauled them over to the window. Once I'd stacked them on top of each other, I climbed on.
    They weren't very stable, I felt like I was going to fall straight through the rotting wood and onto the ground.
    Finally, I managed to get onto my knees and peer into the window. I had to place my hands carefully for there were pieces of broken glass everywhere on the window sill.
    The room wasn't very exciting. There looked to be various pieces of furniture covered with sheets, and a good inch of dust, pushed against the wall. On the other side of the room there was a giant hole in the floor.
    Suddenly, that glorious breeze came up from the hole, my body aching to go find the source. I scraped most of the glass off the window sill and managed to get onto it and hop down into the room.
    I slowly waked over to the hole. I carefully peered down into it. The breeze came once more, snaking around my ankles and wrists. Then I noticed something moving down in the hole. It was a ghost, I was sure of it.
    The ghost looked up at me. What I saw made my heart stop.