• Files

    Police Report 6/15/07
    Subject: Isabella Jain
    Age: 17
    Place: Outside subject's house

    Isabella Jain was found dead outside her home at 11:09PM on the 15th of July. Isabella has no physical wounds visible. Cause of death is unknown. Subject send to be examined. Further detail to the case will be investigated.


    Police Report 6/18/07
    Subject: Matt Chase
    Age: 21
    Place: Inside subject's house

    Matt Chase was found dead outside his house at 3:17AM on the 18th of July. Matt has no physical wounds visible. Cause of death is unknown. Subject send to be examined. Further detail to the case will be investigated.



    The Little Girl

    She was found roaming the streets, in the dark. When the boy found her, he asked "What's wrong? You look lost."
    The girl looked like she could be seven or eight years-old. The boy looked at the little girl with concern.
    "Nothing," she said, and looked up at him, "I'm not lost."
    The boy must have been sixteen or seventeen. She looked at his face, and saw his light brown, almost gold, eyes.
    "I like your eyes," said the girl, "Can I have them?"
    The boy looked surprised for a moment, and then it faded. "Don't you know I can't give you my eyes, little girl? I need them, and I would bleed if I tried to take them out," he told her.
    "Bleed? But, I like them. I want them."
    She started to move closer to him, and he said, "You can't have them."
    He didn't look scared
    She stopped and then she looked surprised.
    "No?" she asked.
    "No," he said.
    Before he knew it, the boy was on the ground, and the girl was standing over him.
    "Wha.. What are you doing?" The boy asked. Still not apearing scared, but confused.
    "Give them to me. Now." she said, sounding angry, but the look on her face stayed calm.
    "What don't you get?" Said the boy, "I said you-"
    And, she took them. The boy screamed in horror, and the girl walked away, holding one of his eyes in each hand. "Thank you," she said.


    The Boy Who Finds

    It was late, and Damian was still awake, none-the-less, pulling an all-nighter for his test tomorow.
    "Damnit! I don't get this." He said, crossing his arms and sitting back in his char. "They might as well shoot me! I know mom will if I fail this one, too."
    He sighed and bent back over his book. Thats when he heard it: a scream, through his open window. "What the? That sounded kinda like James."
    Damian stood up, and went to his window, looking out into the darkness.
    "I can't see a thing!"
    He looked behinde him, as if to see if he was being watched, and then climed out the window.
    As soon as he landed in the grass of the front yard, he took off, running toward where the scream came from. Before running far, he found James, his brother, lying on the ground, dead.
    "James!?" he whispered, "Can you hear me?"
    "Thank you," Said a female voice. Damian turned to look around, and then he saw her. A figure girl, walking away.
    "You!" yelled Damian. The figure stoped, and turned around.
    "Yes, who are you?" Said the girl, sweetly. Damian now saw tha it was just a little girl. How could she have done This? Thought Damian. Then, he saw what was in her hands, light brown, almost gold, eyes, just like his. "How the hell?" he said aloud, and then looked down at his brothers face...
    Read part 2 for more