• Chapter Five
    Otaku kneeled on the hard, cold tile, her small shoulders shaking with sobs, long hair covering her face. It was easy to hold her back, although L felt sad for her. She had nearly gone crazy, and she didn’t even know what happened to him, yet… ‘What would she do when she went home and read Death Note number 7? Would she mourn him? Would she cry and cry on her bed, refusing to leave her room for even a minute? Or would she go after Light, vowing her revenge on the man that had murdered his best friend? Probably both…’ L though to himself.
    He watched Otaku awkwardly, not knowing what to do to soothe her. Hattie knew what to do, though, and knelt next to Otaku, her arms around her friend, speaking softly into her ear and rocking her gently until Otaku’s sobs quieted and she stopped crying entirely. They both stood, Hattie still holding Otaku, and Otaku looked up. Her face was a fading shade of pink, eyes puffy and red, but they still held fierce hatred and loathing. L followed her gaze to Light, who returned the angry glare. Otaku turned to Hattie.
    “Let’s go home,” she muttered quietly. Hattie nodded and turned to the three. “I guess this where we say goodbye,” she said coldly. “But we have nowhere to go!” Misa-Misa cried. “That’s not our problem, now is it?” Otaku spoke for the first time in fifteen minutes, her voice low, cold and uninviting. “Unless Ryuzaki would like to come with us, but Misa and Light aren’t invited,” she added, nodding towards L, but still directing her cold gaze to Light and Misa, looking disgusted.
    “Thank you, but I’ll rent a hotel,” L said quietly. “I wouldn’t want to bother you,” Otaku looked over, “It wouldn’t be a bother, it would be an honor, having the greatest detective in the world staying at my house!” she said, the familiar warm smile spreading over to her face. It was as though she had forgotten that Misa and Light were even there.
    “Thank you for your hospitality and compliments, but I really would feel more comfortable simply renting myself a hotel room. We will have to meet again, though. You might be able to help us return to the Kento, Japan we know,” L explained. Otaku’s whole face lit up with joy. “Yay! I get to see you again!” She clasped her hands together, holding them just under her chin. L smiled at Otaku’s enthusiasm, feeling happy that someone he had just met was so pleased to see him, so overjoyed to hear that she would be able to meet him again.
    “How about tomorrow at ten PM? We could meet outside this building,” L suggested. “Isn’t ten a little late?” Hattie asked suspiciously. “Whenever you like I suppose. We really don’t have much of a choice, or any objections, for that matter,” L replied, his wide eyes studying the two.
    “I get out of piano lessons at five and go over to Hattie’s house at five-thirty, so while Hattie and I are meeting each other, we could come here!” Otaku suggested with a wide smiled, glancing into everyone’s faces (except Misa and Light. It wasn’t hard to see her avoid them). Obviously, there was no one to object, so Hattie and Otaku turned to leave. L watched them walk away, Otaku turning back to see them and wave several times before Hattie made her turn back around. Light’s groaning made L turn back around and remember his friend with the bloodied nose.
    “Why did you let two girls kick you in the face?” L muttered as he crammed his hands into his pockets. “EXCUSE ME?!” Light shouted, “I COULDN’T VERY WELL FIGHT THEM BACK, NOW COULD I?” he roared. L shook his head. “No, I guess you couldn’t. But you could have stopped them, or stepped back. Oh well. You can’t now,” L added.
    “C’mon!” Misa shouted before Light could make a retort of any kind. “My Light-kun needs a doctor!” she cooed, and slung her arms around his neck. Light’s face was still screwed up in frustration, but he glanced over at L and nodded. “So, where are we going to find a doctor, Ryuuzaki? I blame you for this mess, so you need to get us out of it! Starting with a hospital, thanks to those dang fan-girls…” Light trailed off in anger, stomping around the empty parking lot with Misa running after him wielding the blood-soaked tissues. L felt like laughing at the insane scene, but, again, he didn’t. He shoved his hands in his pockets and began to walk off. Light and Misa followed him, Light still ranting furiously behind him the entire way.
    L didn’t know where he was, or how to find a hotel. He surely didn’t have Watari with him, or anywhere near, for that matter. Even still, he stopped and pulled the dreaded cell phone out of his pocket, holding it with the tips of two fingers and out away from his body. Using his thumb, he flipped it open and brought it to his face, pushing Watari’s speed dial. It rang twice before Watari picked up. The connection was bad, and L could barely make out what he was saying through the fuzz.
    “Hello, Sir?”
    “Hello, Watari. Could you use the locating device on my cell phone to tell me where I am?”
    “Certainly, Master L,” L waited patiently, still struggling to hear with Light and Misa squabbling in the background. Between the bad connection and those two’s shouting, L couldn’t hear a word Watari was telling him.
    “Excuse me, Watari,” L said and used his left hand to swing out in Light and Misa’s faces, trying to tell them to quiet down. Light huffed, still frustrated with his situation and angry with L, but he ceased his ranting. Misa stood, still clutching Light’s arm tightly, pursed her lips together.
    “I’m sorry, please continue,” L said, grateful for the silence.
    “I-I can’t seem to locate you, Master L. I’ve checked everything, and you don’t come up anywhere,” Watari paused. “Describe your location, maybe the computer could tell from landmarks,” he suggested. L looked around himself. It looked just like the city he had gone for about five years to play tennis when he was younger. The city was in England.
    “I think I may actually recognize it. What was the name of the city we lived in when I was playing tennis? It reminds me of there…” L said quietly, sneaking a glance at Light, who wasn’t listening to what L was saying, but instead, talking to someone on his own phone a couple yards away.
    “Do you mean London? For five years, you were there for a tennis championship,” Watari suggested.
    “Yes, that must be it. I think I am in London, but I will have to check to make sure,” L said. There was a chance that they were in THEIR London? Not a different dimension at all! He shouldn’t have been so silly…
    “Could you send a jet to the main London airport to pick up three; Light Yagami, Misa Amane, and myself?”’
    “Of course, Master L. May I ask, though, how did you get to London without me or you plan a flight?”
    “I’m not sure yet, Watari, but I will know,” L responded quietly and confidently.
    “What do you think could be the cause of it? Something like, magic?”
    “I don’t think magic is right to describe what happened, but maybe, something like fate is a closer word? I’m still investigating this,”
    “Alright, Master L, your jet is flying to London, and it shouldn’t leave without you,”
    “Thank you, Watari. But I’m not sure if we will be able to get there. I might be forced to tell you to send the jet back to Kento. We will try to reach it, but…” But we might be in a different world right now. Even Watari, his closest friend and assistant would think he was insane. This wasn’t something you describe to anyone except the people who were there.