• All American Senior High School Quaterback David Johnson hurried his team to the line of scrimmage 0:03 seconds remained on the clock in the 4th quater of the Pennsylvania State Championship Game...David set his linemen down "Green 16 20...Green 16 20" David called the cadence out....he looked straight ahead and saw the linebackers creeping up to blitz,he audibled the play.."HIKE!" the Center snapped the ball. David pitched the ball back to his Runningback Lashel Tail he looked upfield for a reciver he dropped back to pass confusing the rushing linebackers and linemen....He threw the ball across the 50 into the Wide recievers gloves....it was the Recievers first Varisty High School Game since the Senior starting over him was injured before the half...he felt the football hit his right hand the ball bounced into the air he recovered it right before it hit the ground with his left hand. The reciever went to turn upfield no one was even close to him. He began to run down the sideline. He ran as hard as his legs would allow.
    He ran to the 30 then he felt the Defense's safety gaining ground on him. He tried to push harder but his legs wouldnt move any faster.
    He got to the 20 he felt the endzone so close. He looked across to see his teammates cheering him on the fans were going crazy but the safety was gaining ground on him only 2 or 3 yards behind him.
    He crossed the 10 yard line marker he felt homefree his legs were beginning to grow weary but he ignored the pain in them. He could hear the safety's cleats digging into the ground behind him.
    He was at the 5 yard line he felt the safety reaching for the back of his jersey, he dove for the touchdown with a last burst of energy he held the football out in front of himself praying his long arms could carry the ball across the goalline. Then he felt the weight of the safety fall upon him. The reciever closed his eyes his kness hit the ground his arm outstretched hit as well. The reciever opened his eyes only to see that his arm was not past the goalline. The safety jumped to his feet in great joy...the defense rushed to him cheering in excitement. The young freshman reciever rolled to his back...he tucked his knees under himself and began to cry. David walked down to the young reciever and knelt down beside him and said only this "There are plenty of games in life that we all come up short on but the determination and will of yourself and the people around you will allow you to stand up and try again next season." David arose and helped the freshman reciever up they walked over to the locker room. Everyone in the stands stood up and clapped for the young reciever. Sure they lost the game but the Reciever earned so much more. He discovered the value of heart and determination and the will to continue fighting...
    "Next season" he murmered "next season"