• "I am the daughter of the great detective, Gosh darn it! I don't need your advice on how to look for clues!" Abigail said as she cluelessly circled around the room. Her associate sighed. The bookshelf slid open to the right and he pointed to the entrance of a secret hall after pressing a button.
    "Maybe this would help us find the culprit Ms. Holmes?"
    Abigail's face flushed red in shame and she cleared her throat. "Um Yeah. Whatever. I still call dibs though." She said as she rolled her eyes and walked through the door. She was carelessly reading a book while she walked, unaware of her surroundings. "You know, I always forget your name. I mean you know mine, but i don't know yours. You're my family's butler right?" She asked dumbly. Her associate sighed and didn't bother telling her his name for the 22nd time.
    "I am most certainly not. I am your business associate. And you are so pathetic at this that I pity you. I accompany you to make sure you don't fall in a ditch or something." He snapped at her. She ignored him again.
    "That's nice, jerry. But let's focus okay?" She said as she read her novel. The man scowled and tore the book out of her hands in the dark tunnel. Abigail was about to protest and then she slipped on slippery mold. She gasped and fell back, falling into her associates arms. He sighed and stepped over the mold, helping her up. She picked up her book.
    "Be more careful, Ms. Holmes." He urged her. She continued to read and walk, ignoring his advice. Suddenly she stepped on a tile on the floor and a hidden door opened to her right. She smirked and stepped inside the room, and her associate followed after her quickly into the dark abyss. The door closed on it's own and he heard abigail scream and struggle. He couldn't see. This was a catastrophe!
    "Let go you $%^&@#!$!" She yelled. He searched for a light switch on the walls frantically. By the time he found it both abigail and her captor had disappeared. But where? Thus the mystery continued and things only became worse! What would become of her now?

    ((Will continue later. ))