• White marbled flooring, gold vases and picture frames, exquisite tables made by the highest quality wood. Everything sparkled and seemed to glow a wondrous bright light.
    So rich! Onii thinks to himself, finding it hard to take in all the awe.
    “Milord is at the highest of rooms” the butler says, leading them up spiraled stairs that was oddly in the middle of the room. “All the new coming maids are being tested there, to see which are well enough to stay and work, and which that don’t”
    “Are there any tips on how we must be good, proper maids?” Kuzuku asks.
    “You must be good at cleaning, cooking, and providing entertainment. You must also follow Milord’s order”
    “I see” Kuzuku smiles.
    “I, without a doubt, am sure that you two will get the job”
    “Oh, why thank you” he laughs quietly, gracefully.
    Onii was fed up with the whole thing. This was just one out of hundreds that Kage made them dress and look like girls just to get money. Onii grumbles, pouting to himself.
    “You seem like a nice lady” the butler smiles, his eyes mesmerizing. He’s trying to get at Kuzuku. Kuzuku giggles, “Please, you’re embarrassing me”
    You make it look so natural. Onii stares, amazed and engrossed at the same time. If that happened to him, he’d freak out and start throwing punches and kicks.
    “My, these stairs are terribly long!” Kuzuku fans his neck with his hand.
    “Don’t worry, we’re almost there” the butler assures him. “There—you see that light?” he points straight up. “Almost there” and he repeats it for a third time but more quietly, as if he was regretting something, “Almost there.” They could hear a man’s booming voice, his laughter almost ear shattering. Onii squints as he walked through the blinding light.
    “Oh, John, John! Are those the final maids?” a man in his forties says loudly to the butler. He was sitting on a golden throne with red cushions. Peacock feathers came out from the back.
    “Yes, Milord” the butler replies, bowing. “I will be sure to turn down any others that come by”
    “Excellent!” Milord cackles.
    Milord?! Both Onii and Kuzuku scream in their minds, that’s him? He’s so… they stared, surprised. HUGE!
    “Now, now” Milord says once the butler, John, descended the stairs. “Come here my final maidens” he spreads his arms wide.
    Final maidens? Onii makes a quick glance around the room. We’re the only ones here!
    “Come” he gestures them forward. “Come to me” he grins pervertedly.

    to be continued