• Crael lurked in the darkness and shadows of the wood factory. She looked up at the moon for power, it's silver glow reflecting on her face. She remained quiet. Someone was walking towards her loudly. She ducked behind a trash can and prayed to the Goddess to spare her.
    You see, Rétania is a dangerous place for the poor, those who are female, and those who are young. Being all three could mean you would be tortured, raped and killed. Here, if you kill 54 women in your life, you won`t be sent to jail for more than a few weeks. Here, in this cruel country, no man really cares for women, they must be careful and stick together in order to survive. Rétania`s women believed that those who survived only because of The Goddess Mertariu. Mer meant mercy and Tar meant kindness and Ariu meant chance. She was the only Goddess that existed in heaven, but she was kind and loving. The women always prayed to her at night and when they think they are about to die. So, Crael was praying for the person to walk past and not notice her.
    Crael prayed. Dearest Goddess Mertariu, spare me Crael from death's grasp, for my name is Luck, so let me be lucky and let me live. This is how every Rétanian women prayed she used the meaning of her name, their name was powerful and magical. So, Crael prayed. She listened as the footsteps became louder and faded. She sighed and stood up and shied into the walls. The only sound now was the wind wiping her hair and rustling the braches of the Anutin trees. The bell like branches made the night beautiful. Crael became lost in the beautiful sounds, she didn't realize she was walking in the moonlight. She could be easily seen like this. She didn't realize the running footsteps coming directly towards her. Therefore, she did not pray, which meant she had no chance for life, and that her name would not be useful here...

    Something hard whacked Crael's head and she fell down hard onto the concreat road. The blood gushed out of her head, filling her eyes and mouth with blood. She tried to pray, but her brain was shutting down. She lifted damp hair with her hand slowly and painfully. She could vaguely see 3 figures standing over her with guns pointed to her. Before she could reacte three sharp BANGS! broke out. That was the end, she was dead. Crael lay on the ground, barely recognizable with all the blood. What was strange though, was that Crael also saw her body on the floor. Her spirit watched everything that happened, trying to scream or talk, but she could'nt. She was only a red transparent figure in the air. The three men dragged her to a nearby cemetary where they would do their work. she couldn't watch... She floated away flying infront of people hoping they would see her. But no one did. She flew into buildings, seeing more abuse than her eyes could take. She realized that in every house there was a girl being hurt or abused, she couldn't stand to watch. She knew this had to stop. And she wasn't spending the rest of eternity watching this. She'd stop this, somehow......

    ~To Be Continued in I see Those Who Can't See Me~ 2