• I was full of rage and my heart had been torn out, I can not stand this any more,
          I slowly drew my sword out from my belt and had it at the ready, the orc was staring at me with fear in its eyes, it was not a full grown orc but I did not care it was in my way to my home, it had been 3 months since I had seen the creek and frogs that sat by it with the butterflies around, I had tears running down my cheeks.

          All that was wanted was for the creature to get out of my way. That was all, throwing a stick or even a rock didn't faze the developing beast. I wanted to be home, too see the water in the creek streaming by, too listen too the loud wondrous croak of the frogs, and watch the many butterflies dance around in the air as if it was choreographed. It angered me, that such a lowly creature would stand in the way of my trek home. After the battles I had just went through, the loss, the grief! Now all I could feel was a rage, growing inside of me, as the orc's and my eyes meet. In that short moment, it seemed as if there was a connection between us two. Even with the sword clutched in my right hand. Ready for it too be slung at something, ready for something too die in my hands.

          Soon I turned my head away unable too take it's fear any longer! It knew too run! Too hide! But it wanted too die, it wanted too be killed. And the creature...wanted me too do it. I'm so angry, it just is there mocking me! Telling me too kill it!
          "You're wish is my command." I whisper softly before looking too the creature, my hands on the hilt of my blade as I charge, running towards the creature as it simply stands there. It's eyes closed once the blade entered it's body, going threw the heart with a piercing shriek from the creature.The body breaks out in spasms as I pulled out my bloody sword and look too the ground. Soon, it stops moving, my breath weakens as I look at it.

          I bit my lip and pulled out a simple rag, cleaning my blade before walking on, ignoring the body of the creature. Home, so close, I can taste it. My mother smiling sweetly at me...my brother. My I wonder how the boy has grown! My father, is probably dead now. Cancer is a cruel disease, that is for sure. And death is definitely no stranger too me, I had just faced it a moment ago. Caused it too come and take the soul of the orc away.

          The plains seemed almost endless, and my feet grew tired. The rage that burned inside of me earlier, now fascinated me. What was the cause for it? I wanted home, but was that such a simple reason to cause so much hate to overwhelm myself? I shake my head. I need too stop thinking now, I'll cause myself more trouble then I have been through the past few weeks!

          The house, it's there! It truly is! It's where it was when I was a small girl! Home! I started too run, I was tired no doubt, but home was close. And there was where I needed too be! My smile fades as I get closer though, more and more details are shown too me. The cabin I once called home, was in horrible condition. You could see a few animals on the inside, taking shelter there. Away from the hot sun. The door is broken in, oh god. Every window seems broken....this is not the place of happiness I remember. My walking slows, but I soon make it too the entrance of the home. There is a note, and of course I pull it from the wall of the broken home before stepping back so no animal will attack as I read.

          Dear Mikaela,I know sooner or later you will make it home. And then my family and I will be gone. Do not worry about us, for your brother Colby had an idea. We will be travelling too a new home soon. You will be left behind. Your father has died, though I expect you know this now. Please, though. This message my be crude but, we will miss you. The goverment took the house. So we had too leave. I don't know what will happen too it. I'm sorry dear. I hope you are well,

          I stare at it a moment before crumpling it up in my hand and throwing it at the house. Sinking too the ground, tears stinging my eyes for a second time today, I watch my home. I watch the animals in there scampering around. With a sigh, I rest my head upon my knees and close my eyes. Night falling...I traveled so far for nothing. Nothing. Too find nothing. My family is gone, and I am left. Too stay here in the land of no where.