Stalker? Noooo. Of course I'm not. I would never do something so... So... Oh, whats the word? Creepy, is it? No. I am deffinetly not a stalker.
...Well... Not that I've never been accused of this or anything... I just have a habbit of following people sometimes. Is that so wrong?
Sheesh... I can never understand girls sometimes. They write so pationetly about being followed and then falling in love with boys, but no. In reality they always have to scream and run away like little children.
I sat in the Houses Lord and sighed, looking at my nails with boredom clearly spread over my face. "Is that all, sir." I grumble.
He nodded and waved his hand away at me. "Yes, yes. Leave my sight before I blow up."
I stood up, pushing my hands in my pants pockets. "Yes, sir." I lower my head as I head for the door, so he couldnt hear me. "Dont need to ask me twice."
"I heard that." He growled.
I shrugged and opened the door. "Good for you."
Geez... What is it with girls at this d*** school? They seem to like it when boys chase after them. Especially the one I was following... But when she noticed me got all freaked out and screamed for help... I thought she was the type to drool over novells about stalker boys who follow around guys and then fall in love with the one they were going after... Not that I loved her or anything. I just thought she was sort of pretty and smelt good... Other then that, I dont like her at all. She seemed to be the snobby type...
It was dark and near sun rise so I decided to walk around till school started, then I could have an excuse to stay in bed and sleep all day tommorow. Since tommorow is Friday I would be able to do all the homework over the weekend so the teachers will shut their yaps... For three seconds...
I sighed and jumped up on the tall wall that bordered the end of the schools grounds. "Sheesh... What is it with girls?" I grumble under my breath.
The smell of apples and cinnemon made my mouth start to drool.
I stopped and tried to figure out where the smell was coming from. "Hmmm..." I say seeing a pair of pale legs under a large tree.
Who is that? I ask myself jumping down from the wall and hiding behind a large bush.
Maybe it's the girl that screamed after she saw me... But that was hours ago... She would be back in her room while people watched her to make sure she didnt slip out again, trying to track me down. But that's if the Lord of the house hadnt taken care of her already.
I grinned and remembered that girls face when I had scared the tampons out of her. I almost burst into laughter just thinking about it. But I held it in and kept watching the girl sitting there, just sitting there. I couldnt see her face because of the tree's shadow's that were cast over her face, but I could tell she was really pale and rather skinny.
I creeped closer to her and saw her face reveal it's self slightly.
Hm... I havent seen her around before...
She had long dark hair that went far past her shoulders, and covered her almost like a cape.
The smell of her got thicker in my nose.
Geez, if I dont sound like a stalker to you now then you seriously need help...
I crept even closer.
Her eyes were closed and she was breathing easily.
I blushed and had to cover my nose so I wouldnt get a nose bleed. "Tch!"
What a pair! I think to myself.
Her shirt was obviously too tight for her, because, well, it seemed to be suffocating her chest. If you catch my drift... {She had big boobs...}
I got even closer and saw that she was wearing the school uniform, she had a thick book near her and a pair of classes on top of the cover.
She stired and mumbled something.
I jumped and hid behind a short, but fat, bush near me.
The noises stopped and she seemed to go back to sleep.
I looked over the bush and saw I was right. She had gone right back to sleep. I stood up and krept up to her so I was only two feet away.
My mouth watered from the smell of what ever kind of food like perfume she was wearing and how good she looked in the too many sizes small shirt. Heh heh.
Maybe I should wake her up and escort her back to her dorm. I think slyly.
Her chest rose and sank easily.
I swallowed and reached out. "Oi. Wake up." I say without thinking.
A fist shot up and got me right in the face.
I gasped and fell back holding the hurt part of my precious face. "Ouch! What the-!?"
The girl stood over me with a shocked look in her eye. "Ah! I'm sorry! I must have fallen asleep! Forgive me!" She begged bowing her head. Her chest seemed to bow down in front of me too.
I drooled and nodded. "Eh... Yeah... Sure..."
She blushed and stood up straight. "Uhm... I apologize for hitting you like that again. I dont know what came over me... Are you okay?" She asked offering me her hand.
I nodded and took her offer.
She pulled all my weight up easily and smiled.
I stood in awe of her stregnth for a second. "Eh..."
She bowed her head again. "I'm glade you're alright. I would have felt really bad if I had hurt a class mate."
"Class mate?" I ask not thinking.
She nodded. "We have almost all the same classes together... Your Toshiwa Ayage, right? I'm Miyomi Siyoma." {Last name and then first}
I blinked. "No way."
Siyoma-chan!? I've never seen her like this! She always has her hair up and her glasses on! And has this large sweat shirt on so her chest is pretty much hiden! Oh my god! Why hadn't I noticed this before!?
She blushed.
I jumped and shook my head. "I mean! I just didnt notice you! You look so different!" I say trying to make up for saying 'No way' so rudely.
She laughed and covered her mouth. "It's okay. I understand."
I smiled. "I didnt mean anything by it."
She nodded and turned away to grab her things. "It's fine. Don't worry about it, Ayage-kun."
I sighed. "So what are you doing falling asleep in a place like this?" I ask her with a smug smile on my lips.
She giggled. "I was reading this book and I guess time got away from me."
I snatched the book away and read the cover. "The caged bird...? What is this?"
"Wait!" She gasped as her face went red.
I opened to a random page and felt myself get sick. "Wha... Wha... What is this?" I ask pointing to the page.
She covered her face with her hands. "Boy's love stories..." She said muffled from her hands.
"I know that... But... Why are you reading it?" I say feeling my stomach flip.
She swallowed and took the book away. "Because I like them."
I shook my head. "But... It's two guys..."
"I know that."
I swallowed. "Two. Guys... In one bed..." I shivered. "And their..." A bad taste formed in my mouth.
She had the reddest tone on her face I had ever seen. Siyoma-chan nodded.
"With their..."
She nodded.
"In their..."
She nodded again.
I smirked. "Interesting."
She jumped and looked at me. "Eh?"
"I can't believe that Miyomi Siyoma, a innocent looking girl, would actually read such pornography." I smile.
She shook her head. "It's not porno..."
I chuckled. "Oh?"
She nodded.
"That's not what I saw." I tease.
She sighed. "What do you want?"
I shrugged. "Help."
"With what?"
Wow... She's really down to bussiness, and she seems to be really good at this too.
"School work."
"What classes?"
"All of them."
"And if I help you, will you keep this a secret?" She says narrowing her eyes.
I nodded. "Of course."
She held out her hand and nodded. "Deal."
I shook her warm hand and chuckled. "Deal."
I had actually gone home after that and went right to bed, knowing that I would be able to see Siyoma again.
Though I was exhausted, I kept going.
During passing time before school started people noticed how tired I seemed.
Girls whispered like they always did when I would go by. I didnt care, they always talked about me and gave me things, thinking I would like them for it. I have never liked a girl before. They've always been a bother to me. So why was I so tempted to see that girl from yesterday? Siyoma...
Her name seemed so fresh to say and think of.
I opened the door to homeroom and yawned.
My seat was only a few yards from me, but I thought I was going to pass out before I was even close to it.
"Ayage?" Says a sweet voice.
I looked over in the direction the voice had come from, lifting my eyelids slightly so I could see who it was. "Hm?"
Siyoma smiled at me sweetly. "Good morning." She says bowing her head.
Girls in the class roomed whispered with disgusted looks on their faces.
I glared at them, but responded to Siyoma. "Yeah... Morning."
The girls noticed my glare and looked away.
I sighed.
Siyoma tilted her head. "You look tired."
I nodded.
She looked so different from last night... Her hair was back up and she had her glasses on again... And her sweat shirt was on too... Sadly...
"I only got maybe two and a half hours of sleep last night..." I say yawning.
She smiled. "And who's fualt is that?"
I glared at her. "Eh!? What do you mean by that?"
She giggled and shook her head. "Nothing, nothing."
I sighed and leaned against the wall. "Mm hm..." I say closing my eyes and just about fell asleep.
A hand slapped me in the arm.
I jumped and fell over. "Oi!"
She glared down at me. "Dont fall asleep in class! That wont help your grade at all!"
I blushed and could almost see right up her uniforms skirt. "Ehhh..."
She jumped and kicked me in the face. "Eeei~!"
I howled in pain and held my face. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Owww!" I whined rolling around still holding my face in pain.
She covered her face with her hands. "He saw... He saw... Did he see...? What did he see?" She says through her fingers.
I smiled and stood up, my face still stinging. "Oi. Siyoma?"
She moved over a finger and looked at me through the crack. "Eh?"
I tilted my head. "Are you going to be okay? I didnt see anything, so dont worry."
She swallowed and nodded. "Ah..."
I chuckled.
The bell rang and students came in and sat down in their seats.
I sighed and walked over to my seat.
Siyoma walked over to hers and sat pleasently as if being her was a joy.
I shook my head and looked away from the insane girl.
During lunch I sat at my table surrounded by girls and all I could think about was sleeping.
I opened my eyes for a second and noticed a girl sitting all by her lonesome.
Siyoma? What's she doing eating alone?
I stood up and walked over to her table.
Her nose was in the book I had caught her reading yesterday, so she didnt notice me.
"Hey." I say making her jump.
She blushed and tried to hide the book without me seeing. "Oh, hello."
I smiled. "How's the book?"
Her face went darker. "Oh... It's good. Thank's for asking. How are your studies going?"
"We havent done anything yet." I saw with a blank look on my face.
"I'm asking how they are so far." She says smiling.
I shrugged. "There... Horrible."
She laughed. "I bet."
She's so different, it's so refreshing...
A stalkers longing. 1
Part one of love story I wrote when I was bored. And no, it's not yaoi.
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