• No one should remember Death.

    Yumi Nereza Keiko

    The air was still, stale with the scent of an attack. Fear leaked out every area, it wrapped around everyone who resided in the land of DarkNite. The sky was an irregular black, with thick and dense clouds making the air heavy with their imposing shadows.

    No rain fell, though it seemed like a storm would hit the peaceful secret village at any moment. The archway that led to the Mortal worlds opened at that specific time, showing the dark purple portal. Figures could be seen inside of it, aproaching at a horseback. Naturally, every immortal went into defense mode. Children hid, as the Dark Ones entered the village. Their eyes were red, like all Dark Immortals were. They wore an all black attire, riding a black stallion like they should. At the moment, it reminded Nereza of the Dark Times.

    Her point of view changed, and her mind thought of how strange a dream this was. It fought against rationality, though her curiosity got the better of her, as it always has.

    She watched through the eyes of a woman with beautiful long hair and a dark cloak over her body and head. The woman felt sadness; she held a bundle of blankets in her arms as she sped through the forest. Her mare responded to her riders' command without a falter.

    The woman stepped off her mare, quietly walking up the walkway that was all too familiar to Nereza. Lightning struck far away; though all the woman did was knock on the door.

    A shadowed figure answered, and all the woman did was look at her child in the blankets.

    "They've come for her." The Queen said in a hushed tone.

    "Are you sure she's the one?" He asked, doubting but not willing to defy his Queen.

    "I am certain. 'Of born both one shall not weep, A Mark onto a shape.'" She said, reciting the only Prophecy they were given to identify the Savior - the one who would save them from the Dark Ones.

    "Okay. I'll take good care of her, your Majesty."

    "Don't tell her of this... please. She is intelligent enough to figure it out someday, though leave it a secret for now." The Queen begged, hugged her child, and gave her up.

    "Her name is Yumi Nereza Keiko." She whispered, and walked into the raid of the Dark Ones.

    She opened her eyes, of which were blurry with sleep. Slowly she sat up, looking around the tent.

    "What was that?" She asked, rubbing her forehead where it felt like five hundred hammers were pounding away.

    She got to her feet, stepping out into the morning glare.

    "Good morning." Teruko said with a cheery smile. "The others aren't up yet; I figured we should let them sleep."

    Nereza nodded her head. "That is best."

    Author's note: Okay, I need to re-read this series before making more chapters, so bear with me. I'll go do that right now, so that'll solve that problem. I'll try to make another chapter this week, but enjoy!!!