• Time ticks by as the two children wait for their father to come back from his latest shopping spree. He was always buying up all the little candies they love so much, or possibly getting his mustache trimmed, so he could curl the tips, at the barber shop. The children hear footsteps coming and their hopes shoot up as high as the stars, but crash as they see it is only their nanny. Their grumpy nanny sends them to bed, impatient and befuddled that the father has skipped out on eating with his children again. The nanny disappears to drown her anger and fury in a shot or two of the high class scotch hidden in the bookshelf that she usually drained at least once a week.
    The children wait until they hear the intoxicated nanny’s slurring snores. They sneak down to their favorite waiting place right in the middle of the stairs. They are a boy and a girl, the boy a few years older than his rosy cheeked sister. His eyes filled with more knowledge of the true reason their father has gone out as his childish eyed sister just smiled at him. They waited long into the night, until the street lamps glowed as brightly as lightening bugs. The young innocent girl, noticing a spider weaving its intricate, sparking web that would be swept away the following morning by the large nosy maid, smiled shyly at the spider seemingly floated down to touch her nose. Only to be swept away by the bellowing wind allowing the web to be torn; its silvery strands waving gently back and forth. Over excited smiles pass over the children’s faces as they rush towards to door to find, to their horror, a police officer with unnerving news of their father’s demise.