• Dusk. The sun setting low on the horizon. The crimson hues of last light. In a small town, the inhabitants going about their routines. Some setting down for dinner, some off to bed. Never aware of how close death lingers. For the woods surround this and may other small towns hold dangers unlike any these simple folk could imagine.
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    Watching from the trees. She sits silently. Motionless. Her eyes stare intently to the west. To her left, her partner, a disgustingly pompous man, finishes his dinner. " Why must I suffer hunting these disgusting things. I want real game. " She turns and glares , the sound of his voice echoing in the silence. " What, a victim that fights back to much for you. You can buy new clothes when I'm finished here." Returning to her vigil, she curses to herself for bringing him along. " Buy new clothes. They don't make clothes like these. They haven't made clothes like these for hundreds of years. You owe me for this miss." A blink. A flash. She sit quietly, waiting for a sign that she was still hidden. Alone she watches the wood for what she came here for.
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    Off to the east, in a clearing in the woods. Four men, if they can be called men, set up camp for the night. As they go about setting up their varied tents and supplies, their eyes scan the woods, and the sky. They have come from all over to be here. Each for his own reason. " so what do you think woke her up?" " Who knows, you never can tell with them." " Doesn't matter, we'll find her, kill her, and get out of these god forsaken woods." The last to speak was off by himself, on the other side of the clearing. " If ya'll keep talking so damn loud, you'll bring down on us. Shut up. We'll get our chance to rid the world of one more monster."