• "Miko?" She stared strangely into my eyes. "Huh?" She pulled my hand
    from under my chin. "Are you alright Miko-sama?" The expropriation
    she gave me seemed greatly worried. "I'm fine Chibena." She nodded
    and turned back to face the front of the class room as the teacher
    walked in. "Good morning class. To..." My thought drifted from what
    Ms. Green was starting to say. My gaze turned out the window as it
    always did. Then as I began to day-dream I smile imagining his face
    in the clouds. "Miko." I hear his warm voice. "Miko! Mr. Tani If you
    would at least pretend to be interested in my class." Once again I
    get scolded in first class.

    As The bell rings I walk to my locker. "Mi-chan! Miko-chan!! Hey man
    wait up!" I look down the hall to see Matt running toward me. I sigh
    as he pulls the newest porno mag from his shoulder bag. "Hey Mi-chan
    I just got this last night! My pop picked it up for me." I give him
    a grim stare. "Matt, why do you always come to me first?" He thinks
    for a moment or two. "I dunno man. I just thought..." He gets cut off
    as I walk into the class room. "Latter Mia." I sigh in release.

    Well Now I'm siting in second class. I drift into a day-dream once
    again. "Tani? Hey earth to Miko." I snap out of my trance. "Hey
    Mika, sup man? You seem to be happy today." My friend Cory says in
    a giggle. "Oh, yeah I am." She punches my in the arm. "Well spill
    it man." I smirk as I rub the spot on my arm. "Well I met this gut
    on line..." She cutes me off. "Yo man, dudes from on line are no
    good Mika." I chuckle. "No, you're very wrong. Cory he's way
    different." I smile greatly. She laughs at what I guess was a
    stupid expression. "Well I guess if the dude makes you as happy as
    you are he aint all bad." Enjoying my rare moment of Cory liking
    some one I'm going out with we laugh untill Mr. Joe shuts us up.

    My day at school was pretty normal, but when I got home no one was to
    be found. I was there all alone. Which I really wouldn't have minded
    if the doors and windows were all broken open. I hesitantly made my
    way through the house. I slowly walked into the kitchen to find mama
    crouched over what looked like my little brother. "M...mama?" I
    mumbled. She stopped a moment. Her head slightly tilted to the side.
    "Mmmmrah....." She seemed to grunt. "Mama? Are you alright? Are you
    hurt?" She turned around to my horror. She was a zombie. "Ma......
    mama!" She looked at me as if she was about to eat me. I bolted up
    the saris to my room. I pushed the dresser in-front of my door as she
    tried to push her way through. "No! Damn it!! Damn it damn it!!! I
    always knew mama would be first." I screamed shaming my fists on the
    dresser. "Damn it!!!" I sighed and sat on my bed thinking. "That's it
    I have to get out of here." I dug under my bed for a moment or two
    before I found my emergency zombie killing kit. The one I had made
    after watching my first zombie movie. I swung it over my shoulder and
    climbed out the window. Falling two story's to the ground landing on
    my feet unharmed.