• I could constantly here music playing, though at times it was really hard to hear it. It sounded funny, but it made me feel closer to the walls around me. They were soft, and the water never swayed or dragged me through a sudden current. I was so happy and content. I had plenty of play things; like the big string that held onto me constantly. I could hold onto it, and pull myself down to a rounded ridge, and I'd push my tiny feet off of it; straight up. From there I'm propel upwards towards a longer, but skinner ledge that I could never quite grab onto.

    Occasionally, I'd hear a voice that sounded so close, but I could never find the one who spoke. I knew they were right there with me, and it drove me crazy that I couldn't see them. And then there was that other voice! The deeper voice that was always followed by a laugh; I loved it instantly. I loved these two voices, even though I didn't know the persons behind them. It was instinctive; to just love them.

    I stayed in my home for a long time, my body changing its shape and size constantly. Every once in a while, when I'd grown quite a bit, I'd feel something pushing my watery-home around from the outside, and I'd simply curl up on myself. The first time I did this, I more felt than heard the constant voice's laughter. How they knew I'd down something was beyond me; I could see nothing beyond my little bubble of a home, except for a faint light.

    At some point, I knew that I was ready to begin the preparations for me to leave my home. It had started to become way too small, and I could no longer push away from the ledge to the other. I was in a battle with whatever was outside my bubble for space, and I was not winning.

    The day came that I literally felt the dam break, and I could hear water rushing to the outside world. I instinctively maneuvered myself around so that my head was facing the direction of the sound of water. I was little uncomfortable, but I knew the moment I left my home it'd be worth all the time and effort I'd spent cooped up.

    I started to move slowly downward after a long time of waiting, and I could feel myself being pushed by an invisible force. I was suddenly overjoyed at the discovery of a new world, and as the cool air of the outside hit me, I let out a cry of joy so loud it hurt my own ears. I wish I could have laughed then, but someone began to suction out my nose and mouth, and I was dried off. I was overwhelmed by so many things at once, and I was passed back and forth between many people with blue-gloved hands.

    And then I heard the voices that had been with me during my long stay in the bubble. The constant voice was saying something, and then I could hear her voice so clearly. Her! She said a word that stuck with me, "Mommy." I now had a face for my constant voice, and a name for her too. She smiled at me, and I could tell she loved me, but I was confused. Why was she crying?

    I was not given time to understand, because I was handed off again. This time to a man who just stared at me, as I stared back at him and then he smiled, but he did not cry. He spoke to me, and I immediately recognized the voice that I had loved instantly. He was my "Daddy".

    I had names and faces for both of voices, and I didn't want them to go away. The constant voice faded instantly, but the loved voice never once loved me. My daddy just kept staring down at me, saying things that I didn't understand, nor did I think I want to. I was becoming cold again, and someone must have known because we were moving, really fast. Air rushed past me, and all I could see was white. White walls, white ceilings, and I'm sure the floors were white as well. Finally, we stopped moving.

    I was passed back and forth once again, and someone covered me in a small, thin fabric that went over my head, and something was put on my butt. I started to protest for the first time since I was "born", (Many people had said that word, and it had stuck with me as well as others.), but something was stuck in my mouth, and it was the most wonderful stuff I'd ever had.

    I soon began to fall asleep, my belly filled with a warm liquid that I would come to love for a very long time.