• "How about this color?"Stephanie questions."Eh, it's ok." I reply, not even taking my eyes off my cell phone."Are you even listening?" "Is it that obvious?" I chuckle.
    "Ugh!You're so irritating!" Steph yells while throwing my cell phone halfway across the room.All I do is shrug my shoulders.I immediately starting texting Hana.
    Me:Hey Hana what's up?It's Ash.
    Hana:Ash,are you o.k.?
    M:Yeah,yeah I'm perfectly fine
    H:What happened?I tried to call you, but all that covered the screen
    was 'System Error' in bold letters.
    M:Calm down.You're always concerned about people!
    H:Fine.Just don't come to me teary eyed asking for help!
    I just chuckle at Hana's comment until I look up into Stephanie's face.I clam up.
    "Where did you get that phone?" She raises her eyebrows in suspicion."I dunno.I found it on the floor if the movie theater a few night ago"Silence."I think." I gape into her boiling face.
    "Well bring it here!" She demands.I grunt and raise up slowly from the couch to hand her the phone.As soon as she turns around to throw the cell phone out the window, I yank out yet another phone.Fast.This time, it's pink with white and purple jewels surrounding the exterior.
    I slide the phone under my hip.Stephanie is glaring at me.
    "Now what is it?" She says with concern in her voice.She's doing her mother act.Who cares if she's 3 years older?It's not like age matters.
    I give up on trying to hide and pull the cell phone out from under my bottom.I start messing with all the fake diamonds."Ash!Is that my phone?You're going down!" Steph screams at the top of her lungs."Uh Oh!" I retort in a sarcastic tone.Her face is the color of the tomato's in my hamburger I nibbled on earlier.
    'Ha! Stephanie in a sandwich!' That was the MOST hilarous thing I thought of all day!Good job brain!
    Before I knew what was happening,Steph was tackling me.I ran as fast as my body could out the front door."You'll never catch me alive!" I blurted.I suddenly wish I never said that.She wrestled all the energy out of me. I finally gave in.I know she'll try to get revenge.
    Although, -she already knows this- Stephanie is no match for The Ash.Even though it's a flat out fact, she always tries to get back.Man, I love messing with that girl.