• Inuyasha Pov.

    Inuyasha finished the third test and grabbed his stuff, only to be surrounded by 14 annoying, screaming girls that he wanted to do Iron-Reaver Soul Stealer on their faces for. He decided ditch fast, and looked at the window. It was a little too high, so he sprinted down the aisle, out into the hallway, and down a flight of stairs. He was not going to have the bandanna ripped off or kill 14 girls. Inuyasha continued to run until he was at the last stairwell. He stopped at the top and looked around. Only one girl was coming, and she didn't look like she was about to jump him.

    Kagome Pov.

    Kagome ran off before her friends could drag her down two flights of stairs to catch up with the boy. Too bad when she took the other way, he was there. Just ignore him, get home, and study for the last three tests. She thought. She walked by and jumped the last two stairs, turned a corner, and went home. The guy could be an actor, for all she cared. She needed to get the study book from Yuka memorized.

    Inuyasha Pov.

    Inuyasha looked at the girl as she walked past. Something was different about her scent, although he couldn't quite place it. It was sour smelling to him, almost like spiritual power. He hadn't smelled that scent before ever, so he decided, like his dog nature, To investigate. Although he could pick up where she was going, he followed, staying a good 50 feet back.

    Kagome Pov.

    Kagome went home feeling like something was following her. She shook the feeling and went to her room after saying hello to her mother to study. She could care less if there was something special about the boy, she had to get these questions memorized.

    Inuyasha Pov.

    Inuyahsa had to stop fallowing the girl when he saw she lived in a shrine. When he stuck his finger out near the stairs, he got a bad shock in it. I'd better stay away if she's a miko. He thought, that, or painful purification, which he did not want to happen.