He clambered up the dark, narrow stairs with his heart pounding forcefully in his chest.
    Painstakened, his breath came out in laboured gasps and the gash in his abdomen bled profusely, but he couldn't waver- stopping was not an option.
    He thought he could almost hear her, but no, the skill she possessed was too predatory, too quiet.
    Reaching the landing, he turned to his right and saw the one small button on the wall.
    As insignificant as the button had seemed like a mere hour ago, it could possibly save his life.
    “The elevator” he whispered. He pressed the button numerously, almost desperately, for he knew there was no choice. Climbing the stairs was too much of an effort for him and he could die trying.
    Finally, the rustic doors of the elevator opened with a clang, and he stepped inside.
    Flipping open his motorola, he checked his reception, but there was still none.
    “Just two more minutes” he thought, and he'd be a free man...or not.
    Suddenly, he realized what he had just done. Eyes open as wide as day and with his back pressed in to the the rear of the elevator, he waited for his fate.
    “Ding”. The doors to the elevator re-opened and there she was. Smiling absurdly, she put one foot in the elevator.
    “Don't come any closer!” He almost shouted.
    “Oooh, so what could the little puppy possibly do?” She said.
    “Bite me?” She tossed her head back in a mocking laugh.
    “Little puppy, if you'd have been smart enough to watch those nature shows on T.V then you would've known that the predator always gets the prey and that they're always ahead of their game.” She smirked.
    “So, mon petit chien, these are my parting words to you- Au revoir.”
    “b***h” He choked in distaste, the one single word hanging precariously in the air.
    But before he could even blink, she was on him. Tearing him apart slowly.... so slowly, it seemed that time itself had stopped.
    The darkness has won.