• tab Zachary stood at the foot of the slide, his jaw clenching, his eyes black.
    tab Zentar and Zachary had found their lookout, killed and tied up in the playground a few blocks from where they had stationed him. His arms were in the air, and his dead face had been stretched into a smile.
    tab Zentar's stomach curled, and he had to turn away.
    tab "Where. Are. They."
    tab "What?" Zentar turned to Zachary, who had untied the boy and laid him on the ground. Zachary's voice fell flat in the stifled night air, flat and dead.
    tab "Where are they? Those evil, horrible monsters! Where are they?!"
    tab With a growl more animal than man, Zachary took off into the night at a run. Zentar followed behind, dreading finding the sisters.
    tab Find them they did, only a few minutes away from the park.
    tab Enair turned around and smiled. Zentar stepped back, horrified. Zachary spit in disgust. Her milky green eyes were opaque- fogged over and blind. Her translucent skin glowed as if lit from behind. She looked every bit like the monster she was.
    tab Nesertala stood behind her, beautiful as ever. Zentar felt himself being drawn to her, being reeled in like a fish on a line. Her white hair was perfectly kempt, pulled into a tight bun. Her dark, honey-kissed skin jumped out at him from the white folds of her dress. And those eyes.. Those pink, sparkling, alien eyes. Zentar was standing just inches from her, not knowing how he'd gotten there.
    tab Zachary made a grab for him, but like a snake, Enair flashed out. She pressed her fingers against his forehead, and he crumpled to the ground. He stayed there, but his dark eyes flashed with utter hatred.
    tab "We won't kill you," Enair murmured, her voice a growl, "because we will need time to play with you, first."
    tab Enair continued to say things to Zachary, but Zentar payed no notice. Nesertala's fingers were on his cheek, playing in his hair, her gorgeous eyes just inches from his.
    tab He wanted to reach out and touch her face. No, he didn't! She's a monster! She killed that lookout! She could've done that to him! Zentar tried to fight it, thinking of all the horrid things she had done.
    tab But then she kissed him.
    tab Zentar stopped moving, letting his mind wander, letting his body melt. Nothing in the world mattered anymore. Zachary? He didn't matter. The clan? They didn't need him. The deaths? Well, Zentar knew that they mattered. But Nesertala's lips on his? That's what mattered right now.
    tab Nesertala pulled away, and Zentar dropped like a rock.