• ~Chapter 1~

    “GO AWAY! GET! NEVER COME BACK HERE!” he took a step toward me and snarled fiercely. I back-ed up a little, narrowing my eyes and flattening my ears back. How dare he send me into exile? I’m still growing!
    “Fine,” I said, looking him straight in the eyes. “But you’ll regret doing this! I will come back and I will prove myself!”
    Catching me completely off guard, he struck out and nicked his claw across my eye, making me stumble backward and yelp in pain.
    “No!” I heard my mother cry out. “Don’t hurt her! She didn’t mean it!” even though I knew she could do nothing, it felt good that she was trying to help me.
    “Get back to your den, Luna!” he barked. “Or you will suffer the same fate!”
    She stared into my eyes. “Brook, you know I love you, but I can’t leave. I still have to take care of Breeze and Rush.”
    “I know, Mother, don’t worry,” I said, knowing I was stronger then my siblings. “I’ll be fine on my own, I promise.”
    She turned around but gave me one last, miser-able glance. “I love you, my daughter.”
    “I love you too, Mother.” My heart ached, but I hid it from my voice. “Say good-bye to Breeze and Rush for me.”
    She nodded and padded back to her den. I then turned back to Blaze. “Good-bye, Master Blaze.” I said politely, deciding to leave with dignity.
    He inclined his head to me. “Good-bye, Brook. And may you never return unless you are ready.”
    I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him. I was about to start on my journey when I heard my sister, Breeze, calling out to me.
    “Brook! Please don’t go!”
    Rush was right behind her. “Yeah, we need you here!”
    I looked back and forth between them. “I know, guys, I know. Sadly, it’s not my choice whether I stay or not, so I must leave.”
    Breeze looked pitiful. “But who will play with me? Who will help me catch my prey?”
    “Yeah,” Rush chimed in. “And who will train with me?”
    “Hush.” I soothed them. “I know this will be hard for the both of you, but you have to promise me you’ll be strong and pull through. For Mother and I. Can you do that?”
    Breeze stepped forward and brushed her nose across my muzzle, then stopped. “Oh, Brook, you’re injured!”
    I then remembered the scratch on my left eye and realized it was beginning to sting a bit. “Oh, no, it’s nothing, just a scratch, that’s all.” She licked it, which made me flinch.
    “Oh, you poor thing, if you don’t take care if it, it’ll get infected.”
    I rolled my eyes. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
    She buried her nose into my fur. “Okay, make sure you get plenty of food to keep your energy up, okay?”
    “Yeah,” Rush added, nudging my shoulder. “Don’t get killed out there.”
    “I’ll try not to.” I said sarcastically.
    They both backed up and sat, looking as if they were about to throw up. They were wining softly and I wanted to do the same, but I couldn’t in front of my siblings, I needed to look strong for them. I needed to look like I was ready to face whatever lie ahead, even though I wasn’t. I was shaking and I couldn’t stop. I was about to face something many wolves didn’t survive. I wasn’t even finished growing yet.
    “Good-bye,” I told them softly. “I promise I’ll be back.”
    “Good-bye, Brook.”
    I looked at them a moment longer, then I turned and left them, journeying into the unknown, where it was do or die.

    Honestly, I thought it would be scary out in the woods by myself, having no one to talk to, but really, it was quite relaxing. I had no one to worry about but myself and I could relax all I wanted. It was pretty easy finding a den to sleep in and prey was easy to catch this time of year.
    Yawning, I stretched out on my soft, grassy den floor, full and tired. Today had been a long day. I had been exiled from my own clan just for talking out of term. The alpha pups do it all the time! Do they ever get punished? No! They usually get praised! And what do I get? A scratch across the eye that will probably end up being a scar! All because Blaze had to become the alpha male. What does he know? He can’t even hunt on his own! He has to have Storm with him most of the time! It really makes you wonder how she puts up with him al the time?
    I sighed and closed my eyes. I would worry about everything tomorrow, but right now, all I need to worry about is getting plenty of rest. Tomorrow I will go exploring around and see if it’s safe for me to stay here for a while.
    I’ll just worry about everything come dawn, I thought. It will be fun exploring everything…