• The hum of the car was a low drone and guess where I was going? I was moving to the middle of nowhere with my sister and mom. Oh yea let me introduce myself… I’m Elycia; I just turned 16, and am currently having issues with life…
    My mom pulled into the dusty drive way of a house that was falling apart and had major holes in the roof… my mom turned around and smiled sadly and said, “this is it,… well for at least a while.” I ignored her and forced back tears, and opened the car door and got out. I walked to the front of the house and stared for a moment before walking in.
    As soon as I entered the house the first thought to mind was “oh my fudge cakes… I’m living in a haunted house.” Inside, cobwebs clung to the railings of the stairs and corners, paint was bleached gray and was peeling, there were tears on the wall that looked like claw marks, and there was dust! It’s such a dreary day. I walked up the stairs and walked through the door.
    Stepping into my “new” room the first thing I noticed was how old the wood was on the floor, for every time I took a step I heard the moan of aged wood under my feet. Also the torn curtains and the holes in the roof… wow my room defiantly needs a make-over… I walked over to my bed and lay down. I can tell you right now, I’m not gonna get good sleep tonight this bed is rock hard! I miss my old home. My mom yelled from downstairs, “if you want dinner it’s on the counter!” I looked down at my pajama pants in my bag… I think ill skip dinner tonight, then I threw on my pajama pants and put on my husky t-shirt….the college I was going to go to before I moved…
    Later that night at about 11:58 I laid in my bed (still), underneath my blankets try to stay warm, wondering if I would ever get to see my friends again…. Lindsey, Tanner, Daniel, and possibly April……. April and I have been always getting into arguments but she is still good. Plip, plop, plip, plop…I listened to the rain as it splashed onto the floor of my room and suddenly it stopped, and everything went pitch black… DONG…DONG…DONG… I sat up in my bedfast surprised by the grandfather clock striking 12… I heard someone whisper”Elycia”… at first I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me, but then I heard it again, and this time it sent chills through my body… the rain had stopped and a brilliant light blue light floated into my room from hole in the roof and hovered 5ft. in the air, then quickly probably at speed of light it splashed onto the floor causing rays of blue light everywhere and a stunning wind. I shut my eyes tight from how bright it was and my blanket was ripped off me with such a force I thought I was going to be next…… and guess what!??! I was right although a bit off… the wind struck me and seemed to pull at me from the inside next thing I knew I was a ghost looking at my own body as I was sucked into the blue light and fell through pure darkness.
    The world seemed to flip and I hit the ground and sticked the landing… I looked down surprised to see white water ripples around me. I took a step and it was around my foot also… I was standing on water… BUT WHERE! There was nothing around me but black… BLACK… BLACK! I saw a bright light in the distance and I started in a full out sprint towards it. As I got closer it became a figure and when I was there it was a ghost that was floating above the water, in a torn glowing gray cloak and hood, and under its hood the only thing I saw there was a pair of icy blue eyes staring down at me… he reached out his bony gray hand and grabbed my wrist. I started doing what anyone would do… I started screaming. “LET ME GO, LET ME GO, LET ME GOOOOOOOO! I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!” he put his finger to his mouth and whispered “shh” he put a finger to one corner of my mouth and zipped my lips shut like a jacket then he reached into his pocket and pulled out something and wrapped it around my wrist… it started to tighten till it was cutting into my skin… tears rolled down my cheek as I strained to scream, blood dripped into the water and made it look like the bloody sea in the bible, it suddenly stopped… he whispered “you are the chosen hero.” And when he said the last word he screeched………..
    I sat up in bed panting for air and sweating…. Was it really all a dream?! I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my wrist and looked down to see blood dripping off and some kind of watch around my wrist. I tried to yank it off but it wouldn’t budge… it was snug… it w-wa-wasn’t a-a-a d-dr-dream… suddenly a shadow of someone flickered onto the well and I heard one more whisper… “They’re coming… protect what is valuable to you and don’t let it go.” There was a loud crashing noise down stairs and next thing I knew was that my mom and sister were screaming/coughing. I ran down the stairs and saw the door to outside laying on the ground with a green mist pouring in from outside, and even worse, I was face to face with a with blood red eyes and native designs all over it. I glanced back and saw my mom and sister in corner trembling. Anger blared through me… no scares my mom or sis….NO ONE. I turned back to face the wolf and he gave me a toothy grin. “So little hero why don’t you give me the watch and I’ll be leaving.” The wolf charged me, and I ran up the stairs and into my room, slamming the door shut behind me. sadly the wolf banged the door once and it fell he leaped towards me and knocked me down with suck a force I lost my breath… he was about an inch away from my face… CRASH!!!!! My floor caved in and we fell through the floor then the first floor caved in and we were under the house. I sat up quickly…where was he now…from behind me I heard a deep laughter and before I could turn around there were sharp teeth sinking deeply into my shoulder. I screamed like never before and fell forward while blacks specks danced around in my vision….the wolf started dragging me deeper under the house and more green thick fog flooded in till it was almost impossible to see. Pain short through my arm as if it was torn off…. Was this what it was like to die miserably….well some hero I am… suddenly I remembered what that ghost had said and I had a bit more will… protect what is valuable to you and don’t let it go…mom…sister…if I died I know the wolf would want them gone as well. I punched the wolf on the face even though I couldn’t c him and somehow got a hold of him he bit harder into my arm and I bit my lip from thinking of the pain then something happened the watch in my wrist hit a button turned and in my hand was a fancy black dagger….I stabbed it in the wolfs ribs and he howled and kicked me off he stood up and said “this is not the end… we shall meet again.” And with that he was gone.