• Green Team - Day 8

    *Roger and Kiah are walking to tree mail.*

    Roger: Let's see what we gots huurrrr o:

    Kiah: We have a challenge! =D

    Roger: Noice! D<

    Roger: (camera) We have a challenge today! We're gonna kick the Blue Team's a** like we did last time. =] I wonder what it ish =o

    *Kiah and Roger walk back to camp.*

    Roger: We has a challenge everyoonnee! 8D

    Ririsu: YUUSSS!!!!

    Lucky: <w<;

    Ririsu: >w>;

    Jamie: I'm ready to go!

    Kiah: Did everyone eat? o:

    Ririsu: Mhm n.n;

    Lucky: Kay lets goooo!!


    Blue Team - Day 8

    *Everyone is getting ready for the challenge.*

    Leland: (camera) We have a challenge today. I HOPE we win, cause if we dont, not only will we be down a member, but me and Willow will be at risk D:

    *Explode is putting his shoes on.*

    *Snow is finishing her last spoonful of rice.*

    Alex: (camera) We aren't really doing too good at the moment. o.e; Leland and Willow are related, which came out...it may stir up some things. We just need to WIN...and i wanna try and lead the team somehow..just dont know how to o.o;

    *Clip of Willow and Leland sitting by the fire pit.*

    Leland: You ok?

    Willow: Yep =3

    Willow: (camera) Ok, ok, me and Leland are related...but i'm not gonna let THAT stop me from playing the game. I came here for a reason, and that's too win. And i'll do whatever it takes....

    *Clip of the Blue Team walking to the challenge.*



    *Camera zooms into the challenge. We see a platform surrounded by mud.*

    Statik: COME ON IN PEOPLE! =D

    *The Green Team and Blue Team walk in.*

    Statik: Green Team, getting the new look at the new Blue Team. DDS was voted off last tribal council! D:

    Roger: The blonde? o.o

    Jamie: Yush

    Ririsu: o:

    Roger: Our barbie is gone D;

    *Everyone gets settled.*

    Statik: Ok! Ready for zee challenge??

    *Everyone nods.*

    Statik: I will take back the immunity idol from the Green Team!

    *She goes and takes it from them.*

    Statik: Immunity for grabs! YAY! 8D NOw for todays challenge, each team will select ONE member to go up and do a duel, where you will try to knock down ur opponent off the platform using square shaped bags made from punching bags. :] First team to score 3 points..WINS IMMUNITY! Losers...tribal council where someone will be voted off! D:

    Teams: o.O;

    Statik: TWO rules. Keep both hands on the bag at all times. And no kicking! >:]. Since this is an even number people challenge, Blue Team, you have to sit out a dude, and Green team, you'll have to sit out a girl D:

    *They all talk for a minute.*

    Statik: Whos sitting out for zee Blue Team? o:

    Alex: Me :3

    Statik: And the Green Team? >>;

    Ririsu: MEEEE 8D

    Statik: Okiee, Alex and Ririsu take a spot on the bench! Everyone else get to strategizing! And wait for meee go! (>^.^)>

    *Clip of the mud.*

    *Clip of the bags.*

    *Clip of the idol.*

    *Everyone is in their bathing suits, ready.*

    Statik: Ok first round, girl vs girl!

    *Snow and Kiah go up to the platform and grab the bag.*

    Leland: You got it Snow. =]

    Jamie: Go Kiah!

    Statik: Ok...survivors ready...GO!!!!

    *Kiah and Snow both run and collide into each other with the bag.*

    *Kiah pushes Snow and Snow pushes back.*

    Explode: GO SNOW! D<

    Lucky: Come on Kiiaahh!!

    *Kiah pushes Snow to the ground.*

    *Snow pushes Kiah's legs and she falls.*

    Kiah: >_<

    Ririsu: GO TEAM GO! 8D

    *Snow and Kiah try pushing each other off on the ground.*

    *Kiah slides Snow to the corner a bit.*

    Roger: YUSH! D:

    Alex: NO! D:

    *Kiah kneels up and slides Snow more.*

    Statik: Kiah might get this one!

    *Snow tries hard to push back.*

    *Kiah slides her more to the end.*

    Willow: D:!!

    Snow: Noo wait! WAAAIITT! Dx

    *Kiah then pushes Snow off the platform.*

    Jamie: WHOOO!!

    Statik: Kiah scores a point for the Green Team!

    Snow: X.x

    Lucky: Nice, Kiah! =D

    Statik: ok, next two up! Dude vs dude!

    *Leland and Roger come up to the platform.*

    Statik: Leland and Roger...3...2...1...GO! D:

    *Both dudes run and collide pushing each other.*

    *Leland pushes Roger to the ground.*

    Willow: O.o

    Jamie: =o

    *Roger quickly gets back up and the both try to push each other.*

    Statik: They're going crazy!

    *Roger hits Leland in the face with the bag which makes him fall.*

    Explode: Damn .-.

    Alex: D:!!

    *Roger tries sliding him off but Leland pushes back hard and Roger falls on his back.*

    Ririsu: Go team G-R-E-E-N! D:!

    *Leland tries sliding Roger to the end, but Roger tumbles toward the middle.*

    Lucky: Gooo Roger!

    Willow: Come on Leland! Dx

    *Roger leaps and pushes Leland again, and falls near the end.*

    *Roger tries pushing him, but Leland pushes back using everything he has, and turns the bag which makes Roger trip and fall in the mud.*

    Statik: Leland! Scores a point for the Blue Team! =D

    Snow: YAY! :]

    Explode: ;]

    Roger: >.<

    Statik: Next two! Girl vs Girl again!

    *Jamie and Willow go up to the platform.*

    Lucky: You got this Jamie!

    Explode: Go Willow!

    Statik: 3...2...1...GO!!!

    *Jamie then runs and pushes Willow very hard and she falls down on her side, hard.*

    Willow: x.x;

    Leland: D:!

    Ririsu: WHOO! 8D

    *Jaime tries sliding Willow off, but Willow pushes Jamie to the side, making Jamie fall.*

    Alex: GO WILLOW!

    Ririsu: Come on Jamieee!

    *Willow and Jamie get up and collide into each other with the bags, trying to push each other.*

    *Willow pushes hard and Jamie almost falls, but keeps balance and pushes Willow back.*

    Statik: Both girls going at it! D:

    *Jamie pushes hard again and Willow is at the end. Willow then runs across and to the center.*

    Jamie: Can u just fall already? Dx

    Willow: D<

    *Willow then pushes and Jamie starts to slide.*

    Statik: Jamie is sliding! D:

    Lucky: Jamie!

    *Jamie tries pushing back but Willow pushes and pushes and slides Jamie off the platform.*

    Statik: WILLOW! Scores another point for the blue team!

    Alex: Yeahhh!!

    Snow: Nice Willow! :]

    Jamie: v.v

    Kiah: Its ok Jamie :/

    Statik: Ok, final round! Dude vs Dude!

    *Explode and Lucky go on the platform.*

    Statik: Explode, if u score a point, Blue Team wins! Lucky if you win, it'll be a tie, and we'll move to a sudden death round. =3

    Lucky: I feel pressured o.e

    Explode: >:3

    Statik: 3...2...1...GO! D:!!!

    *Explode and Lucky both run and collide hard into each other.*

    *Lucky slides a bit and pushes Explode.*

    *Explode pushes back hard and knocks Lucky on the platform.*

    *Lucky tries getting up, but Explode hits him hard again.*

    Statik: They're going too fast i cant say anything! Dx!!

    *Lucky then pushes Explode which makes him move back.*

    *Lucky then hits Explode in the face hard.*

    Explode: D<

    *Explode spits out a tooth and pushes Lucky harder, which makes him slide.*

    Statik: Explode lost a tooth o.o;

    Alex: Oh my o.o;

    Leland: o:

    Roger: O.o;

    *Lucky pushes Explode back, but Explode pushes back and their both still at the moment.*

    Statik: Good match up! WHos gonna win??

    Ririsu: GO LUCKY! Dx

    Jamie: Come on Luckyy! :3

    *Explode then leans forward and pushes Lucky once...twice...and a third time, which knocks Lucky off the platform.*

    Statik: Lucky is off! BLUE TEAM! WINS IMMUNITY!!!!

    *Explode slams the bag on the platform.*

    Lucky: :[

    Kiah: D:

    Ririsu: =[

    *The Blue team cheers.*

    *Statik gives the immunity idol to the Blue Team.*

    Statik: Have fun >>;

    Statik: Green Team D: Another loss, so u know what happens...tribal council where someone will be voted off! D: Head on back! crying

    *The Green Team walks away as the Blue Team cheers more.*

    End of Part 2 of 3!!!