• A Tale of Old Knights and a Rebellious World part I : prologue

    By: Brian Gavin

    This is the tale of a young man and the challenges of his life to find who he is. Do not think light of such a story as this, for it will make you weep, it will leave you in awe, and it will test your heart.

    It all began the day the boy this story revolves around, Jeremiah Young, and his twin sister, Gabriella, were born. Even as babies they were powerful in the force and quick to learn. They were nigh inseparable as young ones, but when the day Jeremiah had to leave his sister was the day it had all gone wrong. He was on his way to his father to show him a new trick with the force he had been practicing and had finally perfected, but when he walked into the room to greet his father all he saw to greet him in return was a head on the table. The head of his father. His Uncle was standing over his fathers’ body. The room glowed red from what seemed to be his fathers blood, but it turned out to be his uncles’ light saber glowing in the dark room. Enraged with hate and fear he willed his fathers light saber to his hand without thinking and started to attack his so called master. The battle did not last long as his prey was caught off guard he was able to finish the fight in three swift moves. The final of these moves cutting his Uncle in half. Jeremiah stood there in an unfocused rage trying his best not to explode any more then he had already. Then a thought of what would happen to him now that he had killed his master and the repercussions that would ensue snapped him out of it. Being as he was sith and on a sith station he new what would happen. He would be killed. He had to leave, but how, the station was guarded very well and he did not now how to pilot a spaceship. “I’m screwed” he thought.

    Walking through station with his father and uncles’ light saber he tried to figure a way out. He was only 12 years old and had not seen all of the station in his short life, so he wasn’t to sure were to go or how to leave. As he was walking around trying his best not to be seen he spotted a girl with strikingly blonde hair and hazel eyes and a tall man with thick brown hair getting out of the hub that connected to the docking ships. Ducky. That was the girls name, he had almost forgotten about her. She was the only friend he had made off ship (and only friend he had made at all in his life). She was 13 the first time he had met her in the cargo bay. It was one of the days when the training was to much and he had to hide and get away from it all. She had found him curled in a ball and weeping with burns and cuts all over him (from his “lessons”). Ducky had consulted him and made him feel like he could take on the world. They’ve been friends ever since. If there was anyone who could get him off this ship and somewhere safe it was her and her father.

    “Hey dad how long do you think we’ll be here this time” Ducky said with a bit of worry in her voice. Even as a child she found this place cold and unemotional. She didn’t like it. Though it had its one bright side .Jeremiah and his sister. They were a nice bunch f kids that made the travel to the station worth it. She felt sad for them having to be cooked up in here the way they were.

    “Not long honey just got to sign some papers and were done here” her father said with a bit joy in his voice “forever”. Duckys’ dad didn’t like having to deal with the sith as long as he had , but when all the honest jobs pay nothing but table scraps and you have a daughter to raise by your self you can’t really get to picky. He had come here to sign off on being the siths lackey and to do right by his daughter. Neither of them had noticed that Jeremiah had been following them waiting to get them alone so he could petition for there help in his escape.

    When Ducky and her father finally got to the room where they were to meat with a representative of the sith leaders on the station the doors shut behind them. “I don’t like this” Ducky said with a shiver. The door had locked closed before Jeremiah had a chance to get in.

    “You’re right” her father agreed “this isn’t look like we’ll be able to end this peacefully”. After a couple seconds of silence the screen in the middle of the room turned on to show a fightingly ugly man.

    “Your right” the man announced “unless you reconsider your proportion Jack”

    Jack looked the man in the eye “hell no I’m not doing your dirty work anymore”

    “That’s disappointing Jack “the ugly man shook his head in disapproval “I guess it’s your time then” something started to poor into the room through the ventilation vents “it has been a pleasure working with you good bye Jack” the screen cut off.


    “NO!” Jeremiah screamed. He had heard all of the brief conversation through th door and guessed that something was being pored into the room via the vents when he heard coughing. “Not again there not taking anything else from me” His fathers’ lightsabers’ red glow filled the room as he plunged it through the door.


    “What the hell is that” Jack said in a coughing fit staring at the glowing red rod poking its way through the door.

    “I think it’s a light saber” Ducky answered. It was going in a circle cutting its way through the door like it was butter. The gas was somewhat leaving the room through the hole that was being made in the door. “It might be someone trying to help us”

    “Who ever it is I’d love to thank them” said Jack full of hope. The light saber cut off and part of the door fell to the floor letting the gas pour out.

    “Come on get out of there before the gas kills you!” shouted a familiar voice. As Ducky led her dad out she was helped out by a young boy with short black hair and brilliant green eyes. It was Jeremiah and as soon as she could stand up right she almost fell down again as Jeremiah practically tackled her with a hug. She looked at him. He was almost in tears. “What happened?” she wondered.

    “Jerry what’s wrong, what happened to you?”. He told her everything that had happened that day. “Oh my god I’m so sorry Jerry” she held him close and he just sobbed in her arms. “We’ll get you out of here” she looked up at her dad, who was just getting up from his coughing fit “Won’t we?”

    “Of course we’ll help you kid” he answered his daughter “but first we need to get to my ship before they realize what happened in there”. On there way to Jacks’ ship the alarms started to go off. Jack thought to himself, “couldn’t be easy could it?”

    “We need to get my sister she’s not safe here” Jeremiah said in a frightful tone.

    “Sorry kid we can’t”, Jack regret in his voice “we don’t have the time for it kid “

    “But dad Jerry saved our lives we owe him something” said to her father in a bit of a angry tone.

    “We can’t we have imperial troops on our tale not to mention an entire station looking for us” he stopped at the docking bay for his ship “sorry kid I wish I could help but we just don’t have the right kina fire power to take on odds like that” he panted.

    “But...” Jeremiah started when he was cut off by an imperial troop told them to halt and took a well aimed shot at Duckys’ dad.

    “Ahhh!” Jack shouted as he took a blast to his left shoulder. Ducky gasped and stared at her father laying on the ground writhing in pain.

    “DAD!” she screamed.

    “Damn that hurts” Jack stood to a knee and shooed the kids into the ship. “You know how to fly her just get a safe distance and engage the hyper drive and get the hell out of here” Jack was out of breath the blaster shot got closer to his lung then he had thought. He wasn’t going to make it. But by hell if his daughter wasn’t.

    “But dad “Ducky started.

    “Don’t but me get the hell in the ship NOW!” He didn’t have the energy to argue with her, so he was relieved when he saw Jeremiah start to pull her into the ship and close the hatch. He reached for his blaster at his belt and held off the Imperial troopers as best he could with one lung and less blood then he would like.


    “I know how you feel but we need to get out of here” Jeremiah was trying his best to remember what he did about un-docking a ship, but he only new so much. He wasn’t a pilot. Ducky looked at the screens dazed.

    “Those bastards’s....I’ll kill ‘em.....I swear” she took hold of the flight controls and started to flick switches. The “Dinah” her dads ship, was coming to life. As soon as she was of the docking bay she activated the hyper drive.

    “Isn’t that dangerous to do next to another ship?” questioned Jeremiah. She didn’t waver just stared straight

    “For them it is” as Dinah entered hyper drive she tore off pieces of the station with her. They were safe for the time being. Jeremiah got up out of his chair and patted Duckys shoulder as he went by. He found himself in the observation room staring at the stars that they were speeding by. He sensed Ducky walk into the room

    “So what now?” he asked. She stared at the ceiling for a bit before answering him.

    “I know what I’m gonna do” she started to walk towards the widow they were both staring out of. “I’m going to pay those mother ******** back for what they did” she looked at Jeremiah “you?” He sat for a second trying to collect his thoughts.

    “Well those bastards sith still have my sister” he got up and walked in next to her beside the window. “So I guess we have the same plan” he smirked. She smiled back knowing exactly hat he was thinking.

    “We pay them back for our dads”

    “And find my sister....sounds like a hell of an adventure were going on huh?”


    “Any idea how we’ll start”

    “No idea” they both stared out the window and looked at the stars settle as they reached there destination. Jeremiah looked back at her.

    “Cool I like making things up as I go” he smirked. Here on the edge of an adventure that was going to challenge him and his resolve. It should’ve terrified him, but all he did was smirk in its face.

    To be continued..........in part II
