• After school Rafi was driving Marie and Adem home. Marie was talking away. She did this when she was nervous about something. And who wouldn’t be no one of then had heard anything from or about Eva all day.

    Adem was dozing in his set. His sleepless night and the excitement over what had happen to Eva’s locker had finally caught up to him. He had just fallen asleep when out of no where he heard some one scream, “EVA!!!!!!!!” He snapped awake and looked around for the person who had screamed.

    “What’s the matter Adem?” Rafi asked. “Is your arm hurting you or something?” He was looking at Adem from the corner of his eye.

    Marie had shut up when Adem had jumped and was now staring at him with wide eyes.

    Adem felt the heat from a blush start to clime up his face, “No. Ah…could we stop by Eva’s house? I never got to talk to her.” He had this horrible feeling that Eva was in grave danger.

    “Sure man, no problem,” Rafi said as he took the side street that lead to Eva’s house.

    When they pulled up to Eva’s house Adem didn’t see anything wrong. But he still couldn’t shake the feeling that Eva was in danger. he got out of the car fallowed by Marie then Rafi. The three of them walked toward the front door. He knocked a few times when he got no answer he tried the knob. Then door was unlocked and opened easily.

    Adem stepped in first fallowed by Rafi then Marie. The first thing they all noticed was the smell of blood. “I don’t like the looks of this,” Marie said as she looked around the kitchen.

    “Lets spilt up and see if we can find Eva or her mother,” Rafi said. “Marie you take the second floor. Adem you take this floor. And I will take the basement. That ok with Every one?” He looked from Marie to Adem.

    They started their search. Adem looked through out the kitchen and dining room but found nothing. He looked in the living room and found the aftermath of a fight. But still no Eva he was about to go down stairs to help Rafi when he caught a flash of flame red hair. He turned and fallowed it to a door he had thought a closet. When he tried the knob it was locked. This couldn’t be good. He stepped back and kicked the door in. What he found stared him. Eva was lying under water in the bath tube.

    Adem ran into the bathroom and grabbed Eva by the shoulders and hauled her out of the tub. “Marie! Rafi! I need help,” he yelled as he laid her out on the floor.

    Marie was the first to enter the bath room, “Oh my god! Adem move aside!” She shoved Adem aside as she checked Eva’s air ways and then proceeded to do CPR.

    Shortly after she’d started CPR Rafi came running into the bathroom. Rafi stopped and stared at the seine unfolding in front of his eyes. “OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPEN?!” he asked as he knelt beside them.

    Adem glanced up at Rafi, “call 911 now.” He then looked back down at Eva said nothing more.

    “Ok,” Rafi said as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed 911. “Yes…I Would Like To… Is She Breathing Yet?! …Report An Attempted Suicide!” He shouted as he got up and walked to the bathroom door, “Yes The Address Is…” his voice faded as he left the room.

    Marie continued doing CPR for a few seconds more the Eva took deep gasping breath. Marie backed away and let Adem help Eva sit up.

    Eva spit up some water and started to shiver. Adem striped off the jacket he was wearing and rapped it around her shoulders. Eva looked up at Adem. “Adem is that you?” Eva asked tiredly.

    “Yes it’s me,” Adem said as relief flooded through out him. He suddenly grasped Eva and buried his face in her wet hair, “Why?! Why?! Why?! Why did you do this?!” His voice breaking at each question.

    Eva stared blankly at Adem then pointed behind him to a folded sheet of lined paper and a pen.

    Aden turned and picked up the note and read it. It read ‘It was all just too much. I couldn’t take it anymore. I can’t take the hating or the dreams. So I am ending it. Good bye.’

    Adem looked back at Eva. “You could have come to me and I would have tried to help you,” his voice was full of love as his eyes filled with tears.

    Eva looked away and cough a little more of the water up. “I didn’t want to trouble you,” was Eva’s horse reply.

    “Bullshit! You could have still come to me. I would have helped,” Adem’s voice sound hurt because she didn’t trust him to tell him all of this. “Because I’m in love you,” Adem turned his back on Eva. He didn’t want her to see how close to tears he was.

    “I… I… I never knew,” Eva said staring at the floor. “Adem…”

    Adem put his hand on either side of Eva’s face. He tilled her face up wards. He leaned forward and kissed her. It was a fast and awkward kiss. Adem pulled away and turned away. He felt the burn of a blush form on his face.

    Eva put her hand up to lips. She was in total shock. But there was something more she felt the sun shine break through the clouds that had covered her mind. And she felt as if someone pulled her heart out of the pit loneliness. She looked up at Adem and saw him as if she hadn’t seen him before. Why had she ever thought of him as just a friend?

    Adem stood up to leave but before he could take a step Eva stood up and threw herself into Adem’s arms. “Eva? What are you doing?” he asked shock evident in his voice.

    “Adem I never want you to leave me again,” Eva looked up into his face. There where tears rolling down her face. They where the tears she hadn’t cried Adem realized. “Because I love you, too.” Eva hiccuped.

    Adem looked into Eva’s face and saw that she wasn’t lying. That she had meant every word. Adem held Eva close to his chest. And just let his tears fall.

    They stayed like this until the police and the paramedics came.