• We have to get away from here. I try to say but words do not form from my panting lips. I look back and I find Amy running behind me. I look around, but I find no sign of Joey and Marina. But what I do find, is the silhouette of the creature chasing us.

    A large lack dog. At first, we thought it was Barghestmon. But it wasn't. What ever it was, caused our digimon to disappear. It was as if they just vanished. Elfinmon, Denimon, Manimon and Laelapmon all seemed to vanish as if they never really existed. As if they were just an illusion our minds conjured up.

    I find myself grabbing Amy's arm, pulling her down an ally and hiding behind a large recycling bin.

    I hear Amy inquire the whereabouts of Joey and Marina but I don't answer. I'm busy trying to figure out how to get away from our pursuer.

    I turn my head to the left and I spot a door. I don't think twice upon seeing it, I just grab Amy's arm again, pulling her towards the door. But the door does not open. It's rusted shut as if it hasn't been used in years.

    As I try to pry the rusted door open, Amy pulls at my shirt and I turn to face her. Seeing that her gaze is fixed upon something behind us, I find my gaze following until they meet the piercing gaze of our pursuer.

    Haunting blue eyes stare up at us. It's smoky black body tenses as a low hungry snarl escapes the foaming maw of this ghostly hound.

    Every inch of my fibre is telling me to run but I find myself standing in front of Amy, as if in the attempts of protecting her. My years or being Marina's bodyguard kicking in as if they were natural instinct.

    I hear Amy shouting out. Calling me to get back as the black hound lurches towards us but I find myself frozen in place. My body trembling with fear, anticipating the attack. My eyes closing, waiting for my life to end...

    Suddenly, the ally is lit up by a bright light. The ghostly hound falters and crashes into the bins, dazed. The sound of a car horn breaks my confusion as I see a car at the entrance of the ally.

    Without hesitation, I grab Amy once again, pulling her up on her feet and we run out of the ally towards the car. The people in the car becoming clear.

    It was Joey and Marina. Somehow they eluded the beast and found their way to a hiding spot where they hid until they were sure that they weren't being chased again.

    How Joey got this car is beyond me but it was something that didn't need explaining as a loud bang could be heard from behind us.

    Turning, we all spot the same thing. The beast had gathered it's wits and began to get up from the strewn about bins and rubbish.

    Without hesitation me and Amy got into the car. This is where I am thankful for Joey's erratic driving. The beast kept up on it's pursuit but it couldn't get a lock on us properly thanks to Joey's seemingly natural bad driving... wait. Is his eyes closed? I find myself thinking that we are going to die after all.

    Suddenly, something breaks me out of my morbid thoughts as Marina cries out in shocked fear. I look out of the back window and I find that we are being chased by another ghostly hound. I find myself wondering where this second beast came from but Joey must have read my thoughts as he says that he saw the beast split in two.

    This was bad for us. The beast, having become two beings, had become faster. Now they are on our tail. Using their bodies to bash into the car. Amy is doing her best not to worry about Laelapmon and Marina is calling out to Joey, telling him to look out as he swerves and skids about the road, trying not to collide with nearly everything on the road as we try to flee from our pursuer.

    But it was too late. One of them clipped the car, causing Joey to lose control. He tried to correct the car's turning but it was already too late. He called for us to hold on tight to something as we veered into the gates of the local high school.

    One by one, we clambered out of the car and raced to the front entrance of the school, hoping that it was unlocked. But we should have known better. I ordered a split up to find a way in. Me and Marina went one way whilst Amy and Joey went the other.

    After what felt like hours, my and Marina's D-Drives beeped. Taking them out, we noticed that it was Amy and Joey, contacting us from inside. We followed the signal to the delivery hatch. It seems that Joey conveniently hacked his way into the alarm system, triggering the doors to open.

    Our reunion was short lived however as we heard the familiar ghostly howls of the beast that was chasing us. This time, it was whole again and it had spotted us which forced us to shut and lock the doors again, sealing us inside the empty school.