• I had to protect Simon.
    Simon was all I had left, my best friend. Simons so smart, so clever, he's probably got the highest test scores in the nation. That's why the governments after him, Because Simon knows what they did to the last kid they "recruited" to be a part of their intelligence. I'm not gonna let that happen to simon. Windrium isn't the most favorable place to live. we escaped our little town, Guinea by train.

    I gripped Simons hand tightly as I passed through the train doors, fearing it would close him away from me. He made it onto the train and I loosened up a little bit,but my guard was still up. That wouldnt come down for anything. I assured myself that. "your hurting me." Simon whispered as he took a seat next to me. "I'm sorry!" I said as I released his hand. Simon smiled as he watched me. "you were always like that, always so....focused." he chuckled. I punched him in the arm playfully. "oh ,shut up..." I said as I crossed my arms and looked out the window. My sight still had him in the corner of my eye. Just in case. I went over the details so i could spot him in any crowd. He had fair skin but he wasn't pale. I'd say he had a tan from working in the fields all day. I was a little luckier that I got a job delivering letters around the small town. He had blue eyes, like the pond we always sat by when we were kids. Deep blue, a pure blue. He was muscular, thanks to the physical labor. He had a diamond shaped face that looked like his mothers. He also had his mothers dark hair.Even I have to admit he was a good looking guy."tickets please." I heard a ringing voice say a few rows down. ' Might as well grab the tickets now' I thought as I dug my hand into my messy carry on. Which was all i brought onto the train, onto our journey. It was all I had. I found the two tickets that were miraculously clean and unfolded. I gave a silent cheer. The ticket lady approached our row, her red curls as tight as a casing on sausages. She wore a little bit to much make-up. Her eyes were blue but the ocean colored eyeshadow dulled them. Her lips were a seashell pink,It was a very odd contrast with all the dark eyeliner. "tickets please." she said before coughing into her hand. I handed her Simon and my tickets. She brought out her little silver hole puncher and punched the two tickets. She handed them back and moved on. As soon as she was out of earshot Simon started chuckling. "she looked so funny." he laughed. I didn't want to smile because it was rude but that didn't stop it. "it was, wasn't it." i replied letting the smile cross my lips. Simon always had a good sense of humor, despite our past. It sure as hell wasn't rainbows and roses. It was amazing,all of Simon was amazing. It sometimes made me feel so....worthless. But he's my best friend and that will never change. So no matter the cost I will protect him. The train arrived in Oniview. Our next stop. " all passengers, if you are not willing to take the endurance test please continue to next station." the intercom rang out. "no one will suspect us hiding here. " I whispered to Simon. He nodded his head and we exited the train. There was a rush of people going up the stairs to the station. I spotted red curls and tilted my head in confusion. 'that's odd what's the ticket lady doing here' I thought as her curls bounced up the stairway. Me and Simon reached the top of the stairs, the station looked like a scene from Italy. The floors were checkered green and white, the walls held murals of everything imaginable. Laced with gold trimmings at the bottom and top of every wall. There were signs pointing in various directions, that i didn't care to read. I bumped into someone and fell backwards into Simon. "oh! I'm so sorry!" a voice squeaked. She turned around and I noticed her right away. The ticket lady. "no,no. I'm sorry." I apologized as Simon helped me straighten up. "I'm Molly. I took your ticket earlier.." the ticket lady... Excuse me, Molly said as she held out her hand. I smiled politely and shook her hand. "Hi, I'm Rose and this is Simon." I let go of her hand and she nodded. "your from Guinea, so I'll help you out with the endurance test. Since this year it's survival mode. I know every part of this town so stay with me okay." Molly said. Simon readily gave her a high five. "that'd be good." he agreed. I was enthusiastic at first but a bit suspicious. She could be with the government, I'd just have to keep a close watch on her. We all followed Molly out the main entrance, Simon and I tailing behind like children. We reached the outside and looked over the town. It was a big city, the shade of grey everywhere, very dismal. I shivered thinking of trying to live here. I heard a faint buzzing in my ear. I shook it away and followed Molly down the white steps. I noticed that we were elevated above the city, since I could see the tops of the buildings so closely. We walked down two more steps and reached a white road which was very wide and long. It was more like a bridge, to be more precise. We caught a small car. I didn't want to get in it so i convinced everyone to walk. We walked a little down the bridge just to take a peak at the length of it. I shrugged as I walked back to the steps. I looked to Simon as I heard the buzzing get louder. What came next was harder to ignore. I heard a screech and then an intercom ring out. " endurance test begin" not even a second passed and I heard something. I stepped to the side and looked up. A plane, what was a plane doing out here. I then looked at Molly to ask but my voice was cut off by a loud thunk a few feet away from me. I looked over and the fear struck my whole body. A bomb sat there waiting to be detonated. Screams and panic escaped in the crowd and everything became confusing. I tried to run but my legs shook so hard it wasn't possible. instead I pushed myself enough to walk. Molly and Simon were ahead of me until Simon looked back to see I hadn't gotten far. I shook my head at him. Knowing his thoughts. He smiled at me and ran towards me. "no, Simon there isn't time! Run with Molly!" I yelled angrily. Before I could yell anymore Simon scooped me into his arms and ran up the stairs. He was still fast with me weighing him down. "Molly says she knows the location of an old bomb shelter." Simon said. I looked up and he was smiling as he watched the crowd, trying to find Molly. I felt happy that I bumped into that short girl. Simon spotted her and she led us into a small tunnel at the buildings base. We exited the tunnel and found ourselves in some unkept back section of town. Paper strewn everywhere, accompanied by graphite. "10, 9, 8" the intercoms chimed. Molly kicked down the door of an old shack and rushed us inside. She threw a little rug aside as the intercoms chanted "7, 6, 5" she fiddled around with a lock and threw it across the room. "come on!" she yelled in frustration. "4,3," we all jumped inside, I grabbed the lock an the pick she used "2" Molly slammed the hatch shut and locked it as the most feared number rung out. "1". A loud crack came from no where accompanied by numerous screams. Simon set me down as Molly slumped to her knees. I turned around and found Simon in the darkness. I buried my face into his chest and held onto him. The screams were farther away, it seemed no one thought of this back section of town. I thought it to be over as I began to let up on my tight hug. "Rose?" Simon asked. I was about to dismiss it but Simons voice was like the detonator, bombs began to fall like rain.the walls shook like we were in an earthquake. But it was so much worse. I held onto Simon. My body shook as much as the bomb shelter we were in. Simon held me comfortingly. Molly didn't light the lantern that whole night. I didn't blame her, it wasn't an immediate need. I kind of thanked her for it, I stayed in Simons arms as the bombs stopped and all was dead silent. How could Simon keep his composure during all of this? How could I just lose it, and not set him off like it usually did. Simon just kept petting my head lovingly. "it's alright Rose." he whispered into my ear. It broke the silence and I eased up a bit. "go to sleep, molly said this would be the best night for it." Simon instructed. I nodded and turned around I started to get up but I felt Simons hand lock onto mine. I looked back and thought my eyes deceived me, Simon looked scared. But he shook it away and released my hand. I sat back down in his lap. I could feel him relax and He wrapped his arms around me and I fell back gently into his chest. I heard Simon begin to drift off and I smiled. I looked over to the corner of the room to see Molly conked out. I followed suit with a small smile.