• Chapter 1- The First Encounter

    Her emerald eyes glints with excitement. Her hands are jittery. She takes a deep breath and allows the stray cat to do its magic. The stray cat leaps onto the stall and swipes a fish. The vendor vigorously pulls the fish away from the cat. With a hiss the cat lets go of the fish and claws his face. The vendor curses at the cat and watches the cat flee to safety.
    This is her chance. The girl casually walks up to the stall. She takes notice of the fish the cat has touched. She points at it and said, “I would like that one.”

    The man grins. Surely, she hasn’t witnessed the ordeal with the cat. He can’t let go of an opportunity to scam her.

    “How much does it cost?”

    “Young boy!” The man bellows with a crafty smile. “This fish cost 10 silver coins!”

    “Why so expensive?” She crosses her arms and looks confused.

    “Well,” The man leans forward and enticingly whispers into her ear, “this fish is said to carry more nutrients than the others.” She smiles at his pathetic reasoning.

    “Where’s the proof?” She leans forward and whispers back, “I saw the whole charade with the stray cat.” The man is taken back. He examines her one last time and couldn’t believe how cunning this girly boy is.

    “Fine,” The man sighs, “3 silver coins.”

    “Make it 1.” The girl grins.

    “WHAT!?” The man is outraged.

    “You don’t want me to go spread rumors about selling fishes that are sullied by a stray cat. Do you?” She evilly grins.

    “Fine!” The man wraps the fish and hands it to her. “You’re not bad kiddo.”

    “Have a nice day!” She joyfully skips back home with the wrapped-up fish in her hand. Her joyful skip lessens as she notices that there are more and more beggars on the street. It’s hard to believe that Aries was once a country with life and excitement. The streets were once filled with stalls and traders from other countries would often visit. Aria is now a barren country filled with oppressed laws. The only one benefiting from such an unfair treatment are the rich aristocrats, solders, and the royal family.
    Engrossed in her train of thought, she forgot about her surroundings. The boy, riding on his hoarse, halts. He glares at the ignorant boy and grows annoyed by his nonchalant reaction.

    “Move peasant,” He takes notice of how tattered her clothes are. “You are in my way.” The girl snaps out of her daze. Startled from the hoarse she backs away.

    “How rude!” She shouts back. She looks straight up and gawks. Out of all the people she could have encountered it has to be the prince. The rumors are right. His handsome looks can stop your heart beat. His black silky hair is tied back. His onyx eyes are smoldering with so much confidence that it’s hard to look directly at him. And his healthy build foreshadows a magnificent tone once he is an adult.

    “What did you say?” His smooth voice is very charming. Even in an irritated state.

    “How rude?” She said in a questioning manner.

    “You insolent!” The girl is startled by the boisterous voice. She didn’t notice the guard that was right next to him because of the powerful aura that surrounds the prince.

    “That’s enough,” The boy said. “We’re leaving.”
    As the prince passes her by, he couldn’t help but to grin. It’s refreshing to be treated like a regular boy, occasionally.