• When I was in high school, near the end of the year a one hour time was allotted to clean out all of the junk from your locker. The school I attended had a locker bay that consisted of four or five lines of parallel lockers and during these "locker cleanout" times, large trash cans were set up at the end of each locker bay for convenience purposes. At the end of the cleaning time, each trash can was brimming, if not overflowing with a myriad of interesting doodads and what-hickeys and pretty much everything in-between. It was at the end of one of these cleanouts that my friend Ian and I decided to see what other people had thrown away. I was pretty good friends with Mr. Armstrong the janitor at that time so he agreed to let us sift through the trash cans for a good thirty minutes. As I was moving notebook after unused notebook (it's amazing how wasteful my school was) I came across a brand new tennis racket and a canteen(?) of tennis balls. I showed off to Ian by hitting a few balls against the wall of the janitorial locker room and realized I had a pretty natural talent for this kind of thing. Stuff happened and time went by and I eventually got a full-ride tennis scholarship to Missouri University. cool