• To truly find and belive that a country and all its people are following their very own constitution the place to start is at the head. In Zimbabwe the leader is Robert Mugabe. He, though his party members might not think so, is a ruthless dictator. Hungry for money, power and not much else. The last thing on his mind is the well being of his country, of his people and of his very own constitution.

    Mugabe's original plan to deal with the unimaginable inflation in Zimbabwe was to print more money. He thought that doing so would solve his economic problems. People are dying because of Mugabe’s instability with the economy. He is killing his own people nation wide by refusing to give up power that shouldn’t even be his and only creating more and more economic unrest, as the economic unrest is largely related to the political unrest in the country. Some believe it to be deomocide which is "the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder."2 With this along with many other things President Mugabe even being in power is a violation of the constitution. In Chapter Four, Part One, Section 29, Subsection (3)c), it states “[The President shall cease to hold office if a report prepared by a joint committee of the Senate and the House of Assembly, appointed by the Speaker in consultation with the President of Senate upon the request of not fewer than one-third of the members of House of Assembly, has recommended the removal of the President on the ground...] of gross misconduct;” This should have been put into action, and he should not be President.

    In the March 29th 2008 election Tsvangirai who was voted in as President was denied it by Mugabe, who attempted to say that Tsvangirai’s party had cheated.3 “In fact, the regime [Mugabe’s ZANU-PF] has no qualms about demanding a recount when the results have still not been fully released, raising questions as to just what are the grounds for a recount.” - Morgan Tsvangirai. During the election time there were reports of intimidation at the ballot boxes by those who were a part of Mugabe’s Party. Those that were thought to be voting for or even just possible supporters of Movement for Democratic Change, Mr. Tsvangirai’s party, were treated with utmost brutality. That is not a true election, as the votes made are not true votes, and is therefore a violation of public interest and public freedoms. It is a breach of Chapter Three, Section 11 in the Preamble it states “being limitations designed to ensure that the enjoyment of the said rights and freedoms by any person does not prejudice the public interest or the rights and freedoms of other persons.” It is also a direct violation of Chapter Three, section nineteen, subsection (1) “No person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of conscience, that is to say, freedom of thought and of religion, freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, whether alone or in community with others, and whether in public or in private, to manifest and propagate his religion or belief through worship, teaching, practice and observance.

    Members of ZANU-PF Mr. Mugabe’s party before after and during the election showed exactly how little respect they had and have for the people of Zimbabwe. Reports of political murders, rapes, re-education centers and torture all lead back to the ZANU-PF, which leads to their leader, Mugabe. A young-woman gave a first hand account to a reporter of her capture and rape that happened as a result of the ZANU-PF’s brutality. She was fed up with the economic crisis in Zimbabwe and was a vocal supporter of the MDC. She was taken hostage and told to renounce her allegiance to the MDC or else she would be beaten. When she was taken in she was forced to attend “pungwes”, that a ZANU-PF official told the reporter “were necessary as ‘political re-orientation’ exercises to warn people ‘against the opposition which is backed by the West.’”. People are brought together and forced to give their allegiance to the ZANU-PF and are beaten if they refuse, the women are often raped by ZANU-PF commanders after the proceedings.4 This on the surface is a breach of Chapter Three, Section 21, Subsection (1) “Except with his own consent or by way of parental discipline, no person shall be hindered in his freedom of assembly and association, that is to say, his right to assemble freely and associate with other persons and in particular to form or belong to political parties or trade unions or other associations for the protection of his interests.” And deeper and more importantly it is a violation of Chapter Three, Section Fifteen, Subsection (1) “No person shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading punishment or other such treatment.”

    There is no way you can look at Zimbabwe, and say that its leader is a good man. There is no way you can look at Zimbabwe and think that there is some sort of modern law that protects the good of its people. Not with Mugabe in power. Zimbabwe's constitution is meaningless. Zimbabwe itself has turned into hell on earth. No respectable leader would allow such atrocities to happen, no respectable human being would hold onto power like a crazed little child. Yet Mugabe attempts to act like he has dignity, attempts to say democracy is something the west brought. The white man is bad and therefore any ideals that follow are false. It doesn't matter what makes sense. Mugabe is a monster.