• Valentine is here and I really hate it stare ...it's not that I'm lonely it's just that it makes me remember...how painful it was to loose my friend,my bestfriend,my heart and my life... crying
    "You look stressed out...it'll be better for you to take a rest you know" a stranger said to me while I took a book out of the shelf..
    "And why the heck should I listen to you ?" stare I ignored him and walked away..
    Well, I wasn't technically ignoring him. I did see a glimpse of his face- he had orange/brownish hair and green eyes.He's probably around my age(15).His fashion sense was great!Anyone could fall for him..but of course I thought I wasn't..

    "Don't be so cruel...don't believe me do you?"He followed my every step in the library. I had to sit!I can't get out yet..so-
    "Look at your eyes...they're practically swollen!"He took out a mirror and 'rubbed' in on my face...it was REALLY annoying
    "Why the hell do you care?..." xd
    "Well,...for starters,you took the book I was going to borrow,you ignored me(rude) and I'm paying back the 'gratitude' by irritating you" mrgreen
    "Oh-key... sweatdrop ..still,like people say 'finders keepers losers weepers' " 3nodding I smilled at him sarcastically
    "Right...well,sweetheart..if you have that kind of attitude in you..say bye-bye to this book" He snatched it away from my hand and stood up,going to leave...
    "HEY!" scream I stood up so quickly that I forgot that,that was a LIBRARY sweatdrop ...of course you would hear 'hushing' sounds when people make noises..

    I pulled his shirt so he could come closer to me so that I could to talk...
    "Give me back my book" I reached out to grab the book but he placed it on the shelf which is toooooo high for me to reach..
    "There..you want it don't you?...go and get it" he smirked
    "UNFAIR!" xp ...since he won't give it,I'll just have to irritate him until he gives it back...so,I started kicked him slightly..

    A few moments later
    "OKAY-OKAY-OKAY!...shesssh,,,..can't you just say 'please'..or..you wouldn't know what that means since you're such a pain in the -toot-" stare ..he reached up and took the book and well..gave it to me..then,he glared
    "what?" question
    "I don't think there's anyone who would date you 'kitten'..."
    "whatever" rolleyes talk2hand ... wink ..I was about to laugh when he made that silly face when he said 'date'...
    Well,we did date for a few months..of course until my bestfriend meet him...he broke up with me ON valentines day...apparently a "sorry" is not enough,coming out from the girl who I thought WAS a friend..when he went away..he's practically dead to me,my love,my heart and my life went away with him too..anyways...I did forget him but every time it was valentine..I couldn't forget..not on that day anyways... stare