• Its me, Max! I yelled. Max....im happy to see you,but you need to get out of here.... She said worried.
    Come with us we can protect from whom ever is after you.... Comon!
    I yelled. Ria wouldnt move an inch. Whats wrong? We have to get you outta
    here. I said. Im sorry Max, but im not coming with you.... I cant have anybody else
    get hurt... She said with sorrow in her voice. No... i dont care what happens to me
    right now, all i care about is you... I cant let you go... ive lost to many as it is...
    Lets go.... I said, worried. Ok... During the walk home: I dont feel well... Tyoshi said
    groaning. Mendo but his hand on his forehead. Hes got a fever! Mendo said worried.
    I will take him home see you there. Mendo said giving Tyoshi a piggy back ride and
    heading off in a rush. Max... Thank you... She said with a soft voice. Dont thank me...
    I will protect you even if it takes my life...I said kindly. She smiles. She has such
    beautiful smile... Hey the rains clearing up! biggrin I said happily. Yea isnt it beautiful
    after the rain? She asked. Yea I love the rain, its so peaceful right? I said smiling.
    hehe you have a cute smile Max. redface thanks. You do too. As they keep walking
    Ria trips on a rock. *gasp* *Max catches Ria* Are you ok? I asked wondering. Yea,
    im fine now. redface She said. Shes blushing... I thought. Ria leans forward.
    I really want to protect Ria...shes so beautiful and so kind even if though she has been hurt and treated so badly.... I... I think i Lover her..... redface I lean forward and
    we ...... kiss...

    To Be Continued! I dont Normally do romantic parts but i thought it could use it :3
    I have never written a book before so be brutal on how i write the story!