• Nuclear weapons are not something to take lightly, but nor are they something that one should judge without researching. Most people will tell you that these weapons are immoral and wrong. However most of them do not know the truth, or they perceive that they do.
    Anyway nuclear weapons are necessary to the world and its functions. Yes they are destructive and cause mass death, but has anyone stopped to think what they prevented? These so called ultimate weapons are currently being used for nuclear deterrence. What that means is that this weapon is so dangerous that it is being used against itself. If one country makes a nuclear threat there is always another with the weapons that say "stand down, you don't know what your getting into". The world is currently working on a process of getting rid of the worlds nuclear stockpile. Sure why not take the only thing that stops another nuclear strike away, what is anyone to defend themselves with? Lets say that all the nuclear weapons were dismantled, do people honestly think that the weapons will be gone forever? it is impossible to un-invent something, someone will have the plans on how to make one, and what do we do then if that person or group is the only one(s) with the weapon? It would be impossible to retaliate with equal force and power. I am not saying everyone should build these weapons but I think the world needs these weapons in order to prevent their use. Nuclear weapons are only a necessary factor because of there deterrent abilities.