• The wooden figurines which dot our halls,
    the framed paper doors which conceal them,
    And the faint smell of mother’s sushi.

    Brother looked outside with a fusion of curiosity and fascination
    at a people marching along the streets
    with new stories to tell every day:

    we would often sit and listen,
    marveling at the primitive splendor of the world,
    then retreat home, more convinced of following their footsteps,

    Until, without the slightest warning, Armageddon,
    as if the supernatural might of both heaven and hell
    were released on the same abominable moment.

    A flare so beautiful, so horrible, drawing us,
    seducing us with its power to destroy.

    The earth itself rose up in riot against us,
    the mountains and the sea crushing us amidst their infinite grasp,
    for that one split second, the earth engulfed in nightmares,

    and as suddenly as they came,
    as the world blinked…we were gone.