• I believe you should take this quiz!
    Copy it and paste it in a little comment to me to answer (:

    1. What's my favorite band?

    2. What's my favorite movie?

    3. What color are my eyes?

    4. What's my favorite animal?

    5. Where am I moving to?

    6. What color is my wristband?

    7. What's my favorite tv show?(There is more than one answer, but you can choose)

    8. What's my favorite cartoon?

    9. What kind of music do I usually listen to?

    10. Where do I want to move to?

    11. What do I want 12 million dollars for? (I believe only one person knows this)

    12. What's my favorite color?

    13. What type of phone do I have?

    14. Which of these is true - I have two brothers, I'm a vegetarian, or I'm obsessed with Twilight?

    15. Which band do I hate the most?

    16. What color is the belt I wear the most?

    17. What's my favorite video game? (Doesn't have to be specific)

    18. What color are my new shoes?

    19. What color is my guitar?

    20. What kinds of pets do I have?