• he wants to go into the Military
    Army to be exact.
    he wants to leave me here by
    he's leaving his family....his friends.
    he feels like he needs to fight
    like something inside him is calling him.
    calling him to fight in the war
    to risk his life for his country.
    he's leaving and i don't want him to go.
    instead i'll stand there with a smile,
    tears falling down and not saying a word.
    i don't want to be there when he leaves.
    i can't,i wouldn't be able to stand it.
    i love him i tell him.
    but i can't deal with him leaving.

    i want to cry and cry some more.
    i wish i never met him.
    i wish i loved him.
    i wish i don't love him now.

    i don't want to think about it.
    i don't want to talk about it......