• As I lay down on the cold hard mattress, I began to tremble in silence. I lay flat and as dead as I could look, asking myself, 'Why me? , What did I do?'
    I felt so angry with the world and I couldn't help but ask these questions.
    My heart, always changing rythm, but always speeding. Like every other night, I cried myself to sleep. But this night, I felt that I was too angry to even bother to sleep. No, this night I felt like going crazing, like I wanted to scream till I ran out of breath and fall dead on the earth. I thought it would be better that way, that I was gone, that I didn't feel this pain anymore. I felt that everyone turned away from me. My friends, There was a time where I didn't know I could trust them anymore .. Everything I had, my dignity, my pride, how my friends thought of me, were all sinking down a passage way that felt eternal.
    Every day was Hell ...

    But then I realised, I had to stop this, I have to stop being depressed about something not worthwhile. I told myself that everything I went through was just stupid. That I should of just let it go in the first place. I walked towards my mirror and looked at my self with encouragement.
    'You don't want to spend your life suffering about something pulling you down'

    Just stand up and run away from it. Don't let it hold you down. So remember, just , "Let Go of it .... "