• It's hard
    It's difficult to see what's come of the friends you had
    Or at least acted like they were there
    Staring at the scene
    You're light-headed.
    Your friends.
    Your support.
    Your everything,
    Mocking you.
    You become nothing.
    You realize that there are the genuine people
    But there are also those
    Who mock you
    Tease you
    Hate upon you
    Just to go places.
    They have gone through

    For the next eternity,
    You think you are to blame.
    Not cool enough,
    Too smart
    Too tall.
    You've gone through
    You realize an important lesson.

    Life goes on.
    Life is yours.
    Life is not what people say of you.
    Life is not meant for you to fear.
    Life is growth.
    Life is love.

    Negative comments still come
    Fear is no longer instilled in you
    You can finally understand
    These people were the one that needed to grow
    The need the lesson.
    The need to stop fearing life.

    There are new friend now.
    Less popularity involved.
    But, a genuine relationship.
    Those people send me texts
    saying "I'm sorry".

    They don't mean it.

    They want a genuine bond
    Me to start following them
    To act like a puppy
    I'm older,
    Not as naive.

    So to all the haters,
    Go learn a lesson.
    Go through some changes.
    Stop fearing life.

    To those hated upon.
    Hold your head high.
    Take these lessons.
    Find true friends.
    Leave popularity behind.
    Some haters are alone.
    Why should you take the bullet.

    Changes are meant for all of us to got through.
    They are indeed for the best.
    You learn.
    Changes are your friends.
    Just Change.