• I remember seeing a girl come up to me

    reading her little book, and dragging her doll into the dirt.

    She held up a picture of a family sitting down,

    and asked "Why isn't mine like that?".

    I didn't know what to say to her, hopeful eyes begging for answers.

    She thought she did something wrong, as if she deserved being punished.

    How many times did I ask myself the same question.

    Wanting to know had I been a bad little girl in some way?

    Did I not do what my mommy wanted me to?

    Did I not get the grades in school she expected?

    Did I not clean my room when she asked, made my

    bed when she wanted it done.

    Did I not try and be the best I could have been?

    This girl, looking up at me.

    Pitiful smile, torn dress and a ransack of what was suppose to be

    her lunch.

    Looked at me as I sat thinking on ways to ace my exam,

    and asked.

    Why she didn't have a family sitting at a table talking to each other.

    Instead of screaming back and forth.

    A big brother or sister to help her with her homework,

    instead of them tossing things around, and leaving her alone.

    A little sibling to care for, play with and watch.

    instead of a crying baby who kept making mommy madder and madder.

    A mother and father telling her she was loved and wanted

    Instead of spitefully reminding this little girl she had washed away

    their dreams. their hopes. their want to live a better life.

    I took the book from the girl.

    who now had small streams of tears falling from her eyes.

    who's been told her whole life was of bitterness and lies.

    and i held her, because i never was held.

    i told her she was loved, because no one ever turned to me and told me that.

    and i reminded her, she deserved better and as long as she did what she needed to do.

    she would get it.

    and i tried as best as i could to show her that, her family doesnt determine who she becomes.

    and only she can look at herself and see who she wants to be.

    and maybe, i did all that for me.

    so i could comfort myself and see that girl as i was, and show the me in her, she was loved.

    the girl got up, looked at me and smiled.

    walked back over to her mother who was screaming for her

    "it's time to go home, get your a** over here".

    looked back at me, and waved.

    and i saw the girl in me wave back.